Chapter 25

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Calum and I walked back into the room with everyone plus 5sos. They all had worries faces on.

"Nikki, I'm so sorry. I didn't think the fans would do that." Nash said.

"It's okay Nash, I'm fine. See?" I said smiling. He smiled back a me and I went towards Matt.

"Hey, it's okay I'm fine. I just needed some time." I said. He quickly embraced me into a hug

"I'm sorry." He said. I smiled at him and went to greet the other guys.

"Hey! I haven't see you guys in a while!" I said hugging each of them. I could feel Luke's glare on me.

"Hey shortie!! How it been?" Michael asked.

"Good! Matt and I are dating now!" I said. I looked at Luke and he tensed up.

"Luke? Are you okay?" I asked. He softened his looks and nodded. I honestly hurt to know that I did this to him. I embraced him and whispered in his ear.

"I'm sorry." I said he tightened his hug on me and let go. I went and sat down by Jc.

"What cha doin?" I asked him. He was texting someone.

"Texting." He answered.

"Who you texting?" I asked. The contact had the name "Kenzie💕".

"Guys! Jc has a girlfriend!" I yelled.

"Yea, her names Kenzie. She'll be coming here tomorrow actually so you can meet her." He said

"My girlfriends coming too! You girls can go do your like shopping or something." Nash said.

"Really?! What's her name?!" I asked.

"Brie." He said blushing. I awhed to myself until Carter interuppted.

"Hey guys? I'm gonna step our for a couple hours." Carter said.

"Where you going?" Shayla asked.

"No where. Just stay here I'll be right back." He said sternly. He walked out of the room.

"What's his problem?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm gonna go see what he's doing." She said. I just shrugged and saw that Shayla walked out.

"So what now?" Sam asked. I was interuppted by my phone ringing with my ringtone "heartache on the bigscreen" Ashton smirked at me and I looked at the caller ID "Loser✌️" I gasped and answered the phone.

"Aye!!! What's good?!" My cousin Jade asked onto the other line.

"What it is?! Aye! I missed you!What's up?" I asked getting weird looks from all the guys and Angel.

"Noting really. Hey, where are you?" She asked me.

"I'm actually on tour right now remember? Were in Cali." I said.

"Oh because, I'm coming to visit you on your birthday!" She screamed. I squealed into the phone.

"Really?! OMG yay!" I yelled.

"Yup! Im flying in on the 30th the day right before." She said.

"Mhkay! Just text me when's your flight and stuff." I said.

"Okay! Bai!!" She said.

"Bye!" I said. I hung up and looked at the other people. They all gave me weird looks.

"Oh! That was my cousin Jade." I said.

"Why did she call?" Ricky asked.

"She's coming to meet up with us for my birthday!" I said. They all just shrugged and yea.

We were all just on our phones until Shayla burst into the room crying.

"Shayla what happened?!" I asked running up to her with Angel following behind.

"When I went to follow C-carter I s-saw him kiss another g-girl in the lobby." She said. What? Was she being serious? Carter? That doesn't sound like Carter.

"What? That little piece of shit." Sam said. He looked pretty Pist.

Sam, Shayla, Chris, Brent, Angel, Cameron, Nash, Calum, Luke, and I all walked towards the elevator. We were all silent. We got down to the lobby and sure enough Carter was in the corner eating some other girls face.

"Seriously Carter?!" I yelled at him.

"What?!" He yelled back he was pretty mad until he realized that Shayla was here.

"Seriously man?! Why the hell would you cheat on Shayla?!" Sam yelled. Then, I noticed something. This chick wasn't just any girl. It's Shannon. His old girlfriend. The slut.

"Yea Carter! Especially with Shannon again? I thought you were better than that!" Brent yelled.

"Shayla I'm so so-" He was cut off by Cameron.

"No man, just stop. She doesn't deserve this" He said.

"You really messed up this time man. Especially with such an amazing girl." Sam said.

"Don't call my girlfriend that! She's still mines!" He said.

"No Carter I'm done. I'm sorry. I just can't believe you would do this to me. I trusted you! You said you loved me! Was all of that just a bunch of lies?" Shayla asked.

"No! I do love you! I don't know why that I did this! Please Shayla!" Carter begged.

"I'm sorry Carter but no." Shayla said. We all walked towards the elevator leaving Carter there to still process what just happened.

Lies *Matthew Espinosa* (nikki)Where stories live. Discover now