Chapter 10

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*Matthews POV*

I was looking for Nash and Carter because I think Nikki took them somewhere. I walked into the hotel to Cameron and Nash's room. I saw Cameron but not Nash.

"Yo Cam. Do you know where Nash and Carter is?"

"Nah man. Did you check Carter's room?"

"No not yet but I'll check right now." I said walking out the door. I walked a couple doors down and walked inside. I called for Carter but he wasn't there. I decided to walk over to Nikki's room because she's the one that brought them there.

I was about to walk inside but I heard Nikki

" Well I think it happened a little over a year ago. Me and Matt were best friends. He called me one day saying that he had something important to tell me. He told me to meet him at Starbucks and we sat down. He told me that he was going on tour with other viners because his work was getting popular. I started crying because my best friend was leaving me. I tried comforting me and he told me that he would stay in touch. But he didn't. He stopped talking to me after the 2nd week of his tour and I haven't talked to him since. I was so sad because when I saw him the first time I'm about a year he didn't remember me. He forgot everything we had. I was always there for him but after he left I had no one besides Shayla and Angel. And that's when Brent and Chris came along. I remember I was so depressed that I went to a cafe one day and that's where I met them."

Then it hit me. Nikki Williams. My best friends. God! How can I be so stupid!? Wait. That means those other two girls are Shayla and Angel! Oh my god. She probably hates me. I didn't mean to forget about her! I honestly don't know why!

I started crying to myself silently. My 3 best friends were in there and I didn't even realize it till now. I walked in there stuttering. "N-Nikki?" I realized at how they all looked so familiar but yet so different. They've changed a lot.

Lies *Matthew Espinosa* (nikki)Where stories live. Discover now