Chapter 22

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"OMG! Jack!" I screamed hugging him.

"Nikki! I haven't seen you in like forever! Girl, your looking fab!" He said embracing me.

"You guys know eachother?" Jc asked.

"Yup Jack and I were family friends when we were young!" I exclaimed.

"That's cool! Well this is Jenn and this is Andrew." Jc said pointing to the blonde girl with the CUTEST cheeks ever! Then a boy with brownish/black hair and skinny jeans.

"Hey, nice to meet you! I'm Nikki." I said holding my hand out for then to shake. They took it and smiled.

"Okay! So let's go make the video!" Jc said grabbing his equipment and setting it down In the kitchen.

"Everybody here now!" He yelled.

We walked over to the kitchen and Jc told us what we were doing. He turned on the camera and started.

"What's up o2l?!?!?...............JC HERE! And as you can see I'm here with 4 very important people like thatsojack, Jennxpenn, Andrew Lowe, and one of my other friends Nikki Williams!" He said with his odd yet great intro.

"So today were going to be playing what's that food? What we are gonna is I'm going to be blindfolded and Nikki,Jenn,Jack, and Andrew are going to pick one ingredient from the kitchen. They have to feed it to me as If I get it right then I get a point. If I get all of them correct then all 4 of these guys have to jump in the pool fully clothed. If I don't get more than 2 then I get the same punishment. So let's get started!" He said now wrapping the bandana around his head.

Jack went first and he grabbed some easy chese. He showed it to the camera and put it on a spoon. He shoved it into Jc's mouth.

"Oh my gosh. What is that? I'm scared?! It's liquidy! Oh my gosh. Is it... Like ketchup or something?" He asked.

"What?! No! It's not ketchup it's easy cheese!" Jack said.

"Oh, well then that's no points for me." He said. It was now my turn and I chose ham. I cut it up and placed it on the spoon and put it Jc's mouth.

"Ew! OMG it feels so weird! Is that Ham?" He said.

"Yup that's one point for you!" I said popping the "p". It was now Jenn's turn and she got a spoon full of salt. She put it in his mouth and he first made a sour face.

"Ew! wtf Jenn! That's salt!" He said spitting it out into the bowl.

"Yup! 2 points!" She said. Now Andrews turn and he had some lettuce. He shoved it into Jc's mouth unexpectedly and Jc freaked out.

"Oh this is easy it's lettuce. Are we done?" He asked.

"Yup! But you got 3 points. So what now?" I asked.

"How about we all jump in the the pool?" Jenn suggested.

"Yeah!" Jack said. We all walks over to the pool and Jc started the camera.

"Okay guys! At the count of 3! 1..2..3! Go!" We all jumped in fully clothed. The water was refreshing in the hot sun. OMG, I just remembered something. My birthday is in like 5 days? What to do? Oh! Maybe I should invite the o2l guys? I was interrupted by all the other guys jumping in.

"Chicken Fight!" Connor yelled.

"Okay! I get Kian!" I said

"Psshh fine I get Jc." Jenn said getting on his shoulders. I got on Kian's shoulders.

"Okay! JcPenny against Nian!" Sam declared.

"Ready set go!" Sam yelled and we were on it. Kian ran towards them and I quickly grabbed Jenn's arms.

Lies *Matthew Espinosa* (nikki)Where stories live. Discover now