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Hey guys! So I didn't realize this till now but I didn't tell you guys about the characters in the story or the date or anything. So here it is!

*Nikki Williams*


Birthdate- January 31, 1998

Height- 5'4

Hair- Dark Brown and wavy. Cut to a couple inches above the waist.

Eyes- Dark Hayzel

Background- Nikki is originally from Maui, Hawaii. When she was 10 they moved to Virgina. Her mom and dad passed away in a car accident. They had on their will that if they were to pass away that she would live with Shayla. Witch is how they are bestfriends to this day. One day after Matthew left Nikki was walking around town all depressed until she met Chris and Brent. That's when they became friends. When they turned 15 Shayla's parents allowed them to get they're own apartment because Shayla's parent's are rich. They told Chris and Brent about it so they decided to get an apartment too. We met Angel at Starbucks. Nikki accidentally spilt her drink on her but quickly bought her a new one and a new shirt. She was so kind that they exchanged numbers. Later on she moved in with them.

*Shayla Rickard*

Age- 16

Birthday- January 21, 1998

Height- 5'3

Hair- Chestnut brown. Cut to mid waist.

Eyes- Hazel

Background- She is originally from Portland, Oregon. She moved to Virginia at the age of 5. Her parents are really rich and spoils her and Nikki with whatever they wanted. Her parents were more interested in work than their own daughter but they still loved her. She met Nikki in 4th grade and they instantly clicked. Nikki introduced them to Chris and Brent and then they decided to join them on the apartment.

*Angel Andrews*


Birhdate- June 28th, 1998

Height- 5'1

Hair- long dark brown hair that goes to her waist.

Eyes- Dark brown eyes

Background- She's originally for California but moved to Virginia at the age of 8. Not really much to say about her but her parents hated her mentally and physically. She ran away and that's when we met her.


The date is currently January 24, 2014 so Nikki will turn 16 soon.


Lies *Matthew Espinosa* (nikki)Where stories live. Discover now