Chapter 28

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Hey guy!

You know what would make you guys the best readers ever? If you check out this AMAZING book! It's call "Stuck Between" it's by my lovely fried Brie. So for all my Nash girls out there check out this book! It would mean a lot.

It's by @brieyonce_ she's a SUPER great writer and I'm sure you guys would love her book! Thank you all!

Nikki's POV

*Knock Knock*

"He's here!" I squealed putting on my tan heels to match my dress. I quickly hug Shayla and Angel for helping me get ready.

"Hey, if he hurts you. I'll be right here to kick his ass. But, I already know he won't." Calum said hugging me.

"Thanks" I answered. My outfit was perfect.

I walked over to the door greeted by Luke with Black Skin right jeans, a Royal Blue Button up, a grey beanie, and a bouquet of roses.

"Hey Nikki you re-" Luke asked but cut off by looking at me. I giggled at him.

"W-wow you look beautiful." He said.

"Awh! Thank you!" I said kissing his cheek.

"Uhm. These are for you." He said handing me the roses.

"How sweet! I love them let me just put them in a vase then we can go." I answered and running inside. I just gave them to Calum and went back outside to link arms with Luke. We walked to the elevator got inside.

"So, where we going?" I asked.

"Secret. Can't tell!" He said smiling causing his dimples to show. Gosh. His dimples are my weakness.

"I don't like you." I stated pouting.

"Awh your so cute." He said.

I scoffed at him as he led me to the car. I guess he rented one? He opened the door for me as I thanked him and he jogged to the other side.

He started the car as we drove off. It was silent but it was comfortable silence. It was about a ten minute drive until we finally pulled up to a fancy resturant. Luke got our of the car first and ran to the other

"Luke! This is way to expensive!" I said.

"So." He said emotionless. I'm paying for half the bill. I am not letting him pay. We walked inside to beautiful romantic scenery. It had beautiful chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Nice small round tables with comfortable looking chairs.

"Hello reservations under Hemmings." Luke told the lady at the front.

"Right this way Mr and Mrs. Hemmings." I smiled at how she called me Mrs. Hemmings. She led us to a table in the middle of the resturant.

"What would you like to order?" A man asked us.

"Uhm. I'll have the chicken pasta please." Luke said then looking at me from the Menu.

"I'll have the same" I said smiling at the waiter. He nodded his head and walked back.

"You look beautiful tonight." Luke told me the thousant time tonight.

"Thanks Luke but you said that earlier. Then in the car. Then before we got into the resturant." I answered gigiling a little bit. He blushed and it was too cute.

"Here you go. Enjoy your meal." The waiter said placing our food down.

"Thank you" I said smiling. I took a bite out of my food. Damn. It was amazing.

"Mhmm this is really good!" Luke said.

"This is! Oh my gosh Luke this is amazing." I said taking another bite of my food. He nodded in response as we continued eating.

"Uh, Nikki? I got you uh an early birthday present." Luke said shyly.

"Awh! Really? Luke! You didn't have to!" I said.

"Actually. I did." He said pulling out a black box. He handed it to me and inside was a silver necklace with a crooked heart with gems inside the line.

"Luke! It's beautiful!" I answered. He blushed and helped me put it around my neck. I smiled cheekily at it. He sat back down and just looked at me.

"Nikki. I know this is way to soon but it hurts to know that your not mines. So will you be my girlfriend?" Luke asked me. I wasn't sure at all. I really liked Luke. I just wasn't sure if I loved him. Maybe well find out and see.

"Luke Hemming, of course I would love to be your girlfriend." I answered smiling at him. His smile just melted my heart. He leaned over to kiss me and his lips attached to mines. I was kissing Luke Hemmings. No, I was kissing my boyfriend.

Guys. I'm so sorry that this is a late update. I'm just really upset because Connors leaving. He's been through so much and we didn't even see it. I may not update on Thursday. I'm sorry. Stay beautiful. Bye.

Lies *Matthew Espinosa* (nikki)Where stories live. Discover now