Chapter 17

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Kian's POV

Gosh! I'm such an idiot! Why the hell did I do that?! I looked at Matt and he was ready to kill me.

"Kian! What the hell was that?!" Jc yelled at me.

I looked up and saw Nash running after her. That should've been me... I guess I was really jealous of her and Chris's relationship. I was bothered from my thoughts by a sharp pain to my jaw. I looked up and saw a furious Matt.

Sam and Cam were holding him back. Matt punched me in the jaw. I guessed I deserved it.

"Kian! Why the hell would you do that?!" Connor yelled at me.

"I don't know?! I'm just really pissed off right now!" I yelled then stormed off. I need to find her and apologize. She probably won't forgive me but I need to try.

*Nikki's POV*

Was I really that much of whore? That I deserved to be hit? Wow. I never thought I was that bad before.

Why did Kian slap me though? Was I that bad?

I was interrupted from my thought when Nash came up to me.

"Nikki! Thank god I found you! I was so worried!" He said hugging me.

"Yeah. Hey Nash? Can I asks you something?" I said still looking at the water.

"Ofcourse! Anything." He said

"Am I really a whore?" I said looking at his beautiful blue eyes.

"No! I don't know why he said that." Nash said I know he was being honest because I saw it in his eyes.

"Thanks Nashty."

"No problem. We probably should go back thought. Chris,Brent,Shayla, and Angel are probably dying to know where you are." Nash said.

"Kk" I answered. We walked back to the hotel room and all the guys were there except Kian.

"Oh my gosh Nikki are you okay? Did he hit you hard?" Matt asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Where's Kian?" I asked them.

"He ran off I don't know where thought." Aaron said I nodded my head and started walking out the door.

"Where are you going?" Cam asked me

"Gonna look for Kian. He may be hurt." I said they just nodded and let me go.

I tried to think like Kian. Where would I be if I was depressed? I wasn't sure so I just walked around looking for him. I was starting to get tired from walking in circles so I decided to just go to my hiding place. That secret pond somewhere in the hotel.

I walked over there and noticed another figure sitting I the bench. I got closer and noticed a snapback.

"K-Kian?" I asked looking at him

"Nikki?" He said looking up at me.


"Nikki, I'm so sorry. Life's just been so hard on me lately. I don't deserve my friends or you. I don't even know why I hurt you just please please forgive me Nikki." He pleaded.

"Kian... It's okay. Just please next time your mad. Take it out on a pillow instead of me next time." I chuckled a little.

"I promise." He said hugging me.

"Okay. Now let's go back to the hotel now before everyone gets worried." I said grabbing his hand.

"Okay." He answered as I pulled him toward to the hotel. Kian is so sweet. I don't understand how he could hurt someone. Kian was like a brother to me. I love him like a brother. He treats me like a sister. So why not?

Lies *Matthew Espinosa* (nikki)Where stories live. Discover now