7: The Effect of Puppy Eyes

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"I can't believe I am doing this !" I said loudly, loud enough to be heard by Om and Rudra.

"Bhaiya..." Rudra sang in his horrendous voice. "Sometimes, we have to loosen up. Try to enjoy the stage you are in." He chimed and I held back my urge to smack him. Did he just concluded, that I am old ?

"What do you mean Rudra ? Tell me in simple words." I demanded and he nodded mischievously.

"I just wanted to say that you are being a bore. The best workaholic award should be submitted you. People who want to nothing in future, should be inspired from you except the work, of course. You don't know how to enjoy life and can even put a nerd to shame."

Om cracked with laughter making me turn my handsome face, yes I admit it I am, to an obnoxious one. The frown etched was more concrete than my previous one. I glanced at Rudra who was now, busy getting praises from Om for his speech. His eyes turned to me and he gulped. "Well, isn't truth always bitter." And this time, I literally slapped him on his shoulder.

"Listen, Shivaay. All I am saying to you is to cook something for her. She is a foodie, and will instantly melt like an ice cream in summer." Om said and did a high five with Rudra.

"Trying to apply some humour Om, but let me tell you, you are failing miserably." I said clashing my teeth together, putting it to display.

"Shut up with the smile, Shivaay, I am being serious. Do something before the situation slips and fall from a cliff." Om reasoned and I disagreed, almost immediately.

"But Om, I haven't done anything for anyone like this except my family and she is a mere stranger."

"No, no,no. She is... you know, my superwoman in the disguise of Anika Di." Rudra said defying me.

"Yes, to you she is. But not for me." I said and he threw daggers at me.

"But Shivaay, she helped you because we said, she isn't in a habit of taking insults. You have to do it." And once again Om the saint gave me some brains. Did I just rhymed ?

I pondered over the idea for a minute thinking about the profits and losses about it. Of course, I will, as in I am business man, after all. I looked up to the duo to be looked back by them, with puppy eyes. One day, I'll definitely question myself why do I fall for it every time. Is it the fact, that they looked more hilarious than their original faces or something else? God !!!

"Okay, Omru." I said and they smiled as if knowing I would give into their puppy eyes. "But " I said with a pause, dramatically. They looked with utmost disinterest and I shook my head in disbelief.

"Speak," they said. 

"You don't have to tell her about this thing. I mean, you can bring her over here and then say that you know..you were sorry for my conduct, and you prepared the dish as a compensation. Dare not say, that it was prepared by me !" I said and they looked at me irritated.

"Then how will she know that you are really sorry ? What is the use of this?" Om said.

"First of all, I am not sorry. Maybe I felt a meagre amount of sympathy for her yet I am anything but sorry. And this is the condition, tell me your answer ?" I asked.

Before Om could say something, Rudra agreed with a "okay" yet I didn't missed the wink he gave to Om. I looked at them suspiciously and they smiled ear to ear. They gave me a thumbs up and I went to the kitchen.

Tying the apron around me, I thought it would be great if I hadn't talked about it to them. Their weird ideas ignited a deep sense in me to keep things in my own way for the future help. But seriously, I thought she would have told them herself, by looking at the way she chatters every time. But she is a little different in this thing. Sure, let me read her like an open book because she is the first girl who I find obnoxiously different.

The master chef cap, fitted my head perfectly, as if I am meant to be one. Yes, you don't know I have a bunch of talent. The first thing I can except from her is that she is more of a Indian food type who don't know what the real cooking involves. Let me show her some of my magic.

My whole agenda of staying in home to complete the pending works, resulted a wastage but at least I hope that the dish appeals to her. I looked at the dish with satisfaction and jogged over to Omru to show my artwork.

"Come." I dragged the duo to the heaven, and they inhaled in pleasure.

"The aroma, is quite soothing, lets kiss it with our lips now." Rudra said clapping his hand, and eating a morsel of it, like a child. I waited for the answer but all I got was a blank look on his face as he chewed the delicacy. "Its nice, but with hard work you can put Sanjeev Kapoor to shame. Good luck, boy." Rudra said and Om burst out laughing. "Okay, okay, let me tell ya, this is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." Rudra said and we stared at him as if he had grown some supernatural powers to say it. "Oho, dumb people it means fantastic. Ever heard of something called knowledge ?" Rudra asked and trust me, our laughter's this time were loud enough to be erupted.

Heya cuties !! Its been so late and I am sorry for the delay. The exams were to be held seriously, and thus the reason for my sudden disappearance. This chapter was just to lighten up your mood to escape from the wrath of yours. Hope you liked it.

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