22: I like the new me

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The car jerked and we hit our seats due to the Inertia of Motion. Thanks Newton. The breaks were to be grateful of.

"Hey, what are you doing ? Shivaay ?" She shouted nudging and poking me.

I didn't budge. I was still. Then, something stroked my mind. I started rummaging through the car. I caught hold of the foot covers and glanced beneath them. It must be somewhere. I opened my door and went in the back seat. I was still searching. Then I went towards her and opened the door. "Get out." I spoke. She gave me an expression that clearly said that was I out of my mind.

I again rummaged. "Shivaay." This time she shouted.

"What ?" I looked at her blankly.

"What are you even searching for so frantically ?" She asked holding me by my shoulders, shaking me.

"Your brain." I answered indifferently.

"Cause you are definitely out of your mind by suggesting something irrational like that." I said clearly annoyed.

By the time she comprehended what I said, she was laughing out loud. She kept her hands on her stomach and continued to laugh. Her eyes glistened with tears as she tried maintaining her composure. After about good ten minutes she stopped.

I was leaning on the door, my hands folded across my chest. She pulled by cheeks and giggled, "You can be cute as well as dumb sometimes."

"For your kindest information you are being dumb. Why the hell would you suggest something like that ? I mean do you like me or something ? Or else what reason is behind that wish of yours that you would suggest me to take on you a date. A Freaking Date !" I said searching for an answer.

She smiled. How can she be so calm ? Then I saw naughtiness in her eyes. Really ?

"See this is a wish and no matter what you pinky promised me. So now you have to abide by that. I wanted to go on a date because I want experience. I have never been at one. I really wish that the guy I meet doesn't break ups with me because of me being naive and innocent." She said trying to look serious.

"Should I clap for such an absurd reason ?" I asked clearly not convinced. But really, it doesn't look like she haven't had been on a single date so far.

"Enough okay. I just want to go. No complaints. And yeah bye, I have to go the hospital." She said waving at me.

Earth can you please swallow me ?


I stood before the mirror in my washroom. I glanced at my face. The dark circles were becoming more prominent. I fear, people will start to notice. My cheek bones were defined and that could be the thing I can be proud of. What should I do about the dark circles ?

I sat and opened the laptop. Yeah in the washroom. Its one of my favorite place in France. At least that man won't be able to see me. I opened the YouTube tutorials and after half an hour I was frustrated.

Bull shit. Its too dumb even to try some of the things. One was so sick that I laugh erupted within me. Seriously raw potato juice ? It was hilarious. Shivaay you have turned into one of the models. I laughed.


I took one cold shower and the longest one. I shook my head as the water droplets scattered around my face. I love doing this. It is always so much fun. Anika was right, we should never let the child inside us die. Maybe she had an awesome childhood. Wish, I could be in her place.

I changed into my night wear. The presentation is already completed. I grimaced. Now what should I do now ? Has someone ever told what to do in boredom ? It sucks.

Blame my bored state that I spent the last two hours reading tricks of what to do on a date.

The articles stated that you should behave like a gentleman. Seriously why so ? You have to take out her chair before making yourself comfortable. Would she be having a fracture in her hand or what ? I don't understand this shit. Then, you have to use all the cheesy lines that you know, to impress her. I scrolled to find these :

Out of ten I will rate you nine because I am the one you need.

Are you tired of ignoring me. I think you should try the other way round.

Did you fart because you blew me away.

The last one was hilarious. I almost died laughing. I think I will use it. I can't really wait to see her reaction.

I suddenly realised what I am doing. I don't know this Shivaay. The old one is a workaholic who doesn't laugh. He barely talks to anyone and mingles only with his family. This new Shivaay was foreign to me. He laughs a lot with her, he has been spending his most of the time with her. He has started enjoying things about life and a part of me likes this Shivaay better.


Morning rolled on soon and I went to the Windora Seizures. Today is the day why I came here. I believe I am gonna be alright. I muttered a quick prayer to God and went to the conference room.

The presentation went good. People even applauded and shook hands with me. "We are impressed. We will say that we would be pleased to sign this deal with you." I nodded while inside I was smiling like an idiot. Here I have to maintain my composure.


All the way to the car I was smiling. It feels so good that everything just fell in place. I decided to call him.

"Hello." I said over the phone.

"How did the deal went ?" He asked dryly.

"It went good. We have got it covered. The deal is signed." I said, a little excited.

I was waiting to hear something even a good would do the needful but I only heard the click, signalling he hung up the call.

A heavy feeling persisted within me. Why were my hopes so high ? I decided to forget the fact that he used me again for his purpose and went to the hospital. Maybe I just wanted to hear a lame joke just to freshen my mood or maybe 'a-tiny-particle-size maybe' I wanted to see her.

Heyaa everyone ! This is a filler chapter. Tell me your views about it. Turn the star orange. Thank you !

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