26: Extra Stomach

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The amount of confetti lying on the floor was not that gave me thrills. It was The Ferris Wheel. So extravagant. Lucky for me, I am not afraid of heights cause Shivaay Singh Oberoi is fearless. I bet Anika would be scared and just like a turtle would be seeking shelter, hiding at random spots. I turned towards her only to see a huge grin plastered on her face. Damn her. She turned towards me.

"Let's go." She tugged Sahil's hand and we sat on the giant swing.

"Are you afraid ?" I asked him slowly.

"Not in the least." He shook his head.

"Ho Ho Ha Ha." I sang as it took a huge turn. The ride was filled with shouting and cheering of every one. It was like air was punched out of my gut. I let out a squeal of joy. That's amazing. I have never had this fun in a day.

"Hola ! That's jolly good." Sahil exclaimed fascinated. I am surprised, he is quite brave for his height.

The Ferris Wheel stopped when we were at the top, letting us see the magnificent and picturesque sight. It was almost sunset. The orange sky meeting with the blue one was absolute bliss. I heard a gasp. She was smiling all the way.

"That's super awesome !" She exclaimed nudging me. I nodded in agreement. The view enraptured us and we looked at it with rapt attention.

"You know, I was thinking." She said turning towards me.

"Everybody thinks." I said as a matter of fact.

She smacked me earning a glare from me. "I was thinking that today a cliché thing will happen."

"And what that would be ?"

"I just thought maybe you were scared of heights. Then I would have calmed your riled self down and then you would have held my hand to give yourself comfort. I am surprised, it didn't happen that way." She said finishing.

"Why do you watch chick flicks ?" I asked annoyed.

"It wasn't a chick flick." She said angrily but I caught her lie.

"Little Miss Angry is lying." I sang teasing her.

"Okay so what I watched ? I love to watch these things. Its too cute and thoughtful." She almost cooed the last line and I resisted the urge to cringe. I don't believe in such mushy stuff.

"Too bad, you are not getting to hold my hand." She said smirking.

What ?

"Don't you remember, while you were drunk, you asked me what moisturizer do I put on. You found my hands too soft." She said making me go red with embarrassment.

"Shut up, I never said that."

"And the pigs will fly." She said still smirking.

The ride was going to start again. I may add this time was a little too scary. My heartbeat accelerated a little. The whole going down thing with something weird happening in your tummy was definitely not my thing.

Suddenly I felt something warm over my hand. I looked over to see her hand resting there. Perfectly. I looked at her only to find her looking forward, giggling with Sahil.

"I am not scared." I concluded looking straight at the people who looked like minions from up there.

"Oh ! I don't know but I heard someone's heart beating fast." She said smirking again making me shut up. Was my heart beat this loud ? I didn't said anything and she turned towards me laughing.

"So your heart was actually beating fast." She said making me know that I have fallen into my own trap.

But she was correct, her hands were too soft. Too soft for my liking. I stopped the thoughts that were fighting to go inside me and focused on the scenery before my eyes.

My heart was beating fast. Now because of her hand on top of mine.


After almost riding on all the swings, the exhaustion took over us. We sat down on the bench.

"Today was fun." Sahil chirped smiling genuinely. "Thanks SSO."

I acknowledged it with a nod.

"I am hungry."

"I am starving."

"Guys, we just ate snacks some two hours ago." I reminded them.

"You guys born hungry or something ?" I asked clearly annoyed.

"Nah." I felt relieved.

"Obviously yes." She said again making my shocked state turn towards her.

"What ?"

"Yes, of course we are born hungry. That's why its advised that the babies should be fed-"

"Okay, I got your point Anika." I said annoyed. How much this girl speak and why does she have to think everything so practically ?  I wonder from where she gains this much capacity ? Oh wait, I know. Food of course. Maybe she is born with an extra stomach to calm her hungry intestines.

We made the next stop at the food court. "Food here we come." Sahil spoke excitedly.

"Sir what would you like ?" The waitress asked.

I was going to answer when Anika interrupted us and gave a whole list of orders, reciting from the menu. She smiled at me.

"Do you want something ?" She asked looking at my gaping face.

"Anika, I think we have to order for us, not the whole country !" I whisper- yelled at her. The reply earned me a cheeky smile.

"Sir would you like anything else ?" The waitress repeated.

"I am good." I said as she went.

The next few minutes were complete horror. Watching the duo stuff their mouths was not something I dreamt of. Literally, how much can they eat ? For a girl who eats this much she has quite a nice figure.

Here we go. Shivaay, would you stop commenting about her body ? My inner self asked. In urgent need of fresh air I made my way out not before paying the bill.

"I will be in my car."


Twenty minutes. Twenty freaking minutes have passed since they have gone.

"Hey Shivaay !" She said and I glared at her.

I showed her my wrist watch. "Look at the time." I said a little annoyed.

She laughed. "You don't know how to read time. You should take a digital watch. It will be a lot easier."


"I was telling you that you are late. I have been waiting for you for the past twenty minutes." I said trying to maintain my composure.

"We were deciding the flavor."

"Flavour ? Flavour of what ?"

"Ice cream. How could you forget, a dinner is never complete without a  desert."

I hit my head on the steering wheel childishly. I am surprised that I have not fainted yet.

Heyaa everyone ! How are you all ? I hope you liked today's update. Tell me your views. I would love to hear them. Fan me <3. Thank you !

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