23: Heavy Sleeper

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My eyes zeroed in on the note. It was a number. I glanced up only to met with the flirtatious smile of the receptionist. "Call me." She said making a pout. Desperate much ? I chucked and moved to reach room number 351 not before throwing the thin flimsy paper in the bin.

I noticed the brown benches which had an acquaintance. Anika. I looked over to see that she was keenly looking in the phone. Curious to catch her red handed I peeked over only to realise I am late ; she switched the power of the phone.

"Hey." I said as she gave me a surprised look. She shuffled making space for me as we sat side by side.

"You here ?" She said with a small smile.

"Yeah. I just thought to check how Sahil is doing." It was a partial truth.

"He is awesome I suppose. He would be fine and now he must be able to walk without the crutches." She said calmly, still smiling.

"That's great." I said agreeing.

"So what did you do all night ?" I asked looking at her tad red eyes. I am sure she must have not slept.

"I slept. What else ?" She said staring at the door of the room.

I turned her towards me. Her eyes held that same innocence but this time, I could see the prominent love for her brother. "Anika don't lie." I said.

Way to be hypocrite Shivaay.

"And don't even think of giving me lame excuses. I guess almost four hours would be there before he makes his appearance known. Till then you can sleep. Uh, wait. You should sleep. Its a statement, an order." I said firmly.

I expected her to give me a comeback instead she nodded like an obedient student.

But the question is where she'll sleep ? I don't think any bed would be available since the hospital is packed. Maybe- I suddenly felt weight on my shoulder.

My eyes widened at their own pace and looked to find her already sleeping. I guess she is a heavy sleeper. I smiled at the thought and observed her face that was just inches apart from mine. This was the first time we were that close. So close. I looked at her, identifying her every feature. Her nose had little freckles all over it. I pinched the bridge of her nose. She squirmed. I chuckled. Her forehead was free from the worry lines. I touched her cheeks softly. They were soft. She had plump lips that were....I stopped.

Okay, the limit is right here Shivaay.

Suddenly there were mouses jogging up and down my stomach. I felt hungry. Not wanting to disturb her, I sat there with a ghost of a smile on my face.


"Anika." I whispered. She flinched and then went back to sleeping accompanied by soft snores.

"Anika." This time I shook her with a greater force.

"Yeah, what happened. Is there an earthquake or what ?" She asked looking dumbfounded.

"No. Look at the front." I commanded and her eyes trailed on the point.

"Sahil." She whispered softly, her eyes having some moisture.

He ran. This time without the crutches and hugged her.

Not wanting to invade the moment, I went to bring some food for all. McDonald was not far away and I bought some fries and burgers.

The duo beamed at the food and were already devouring it. I too joined but unlike them, I had the decency to eat at a slower pace.

She looked at me with a big smile on her face. "Thank you." She murmured and I just shrugged. She laughed knowing my obvious response.


Thinking to wear something different, I wore a yellow tuxedo. I grinned at my appearance. I messaged her that a driver would be coming over to escort her.

When I reached the spot, I couldn't take my eyes off the scene. It was the definition of marvellous. Splendid. It was vacant and the cold breeze was moving at a slow pace. There were two table and chairs that were arranged neatly into the place. Small lights lying on the ground illuminated the area. There were falls everywhere. There was a small alley which gave entrance to the place where I am standing. The mountains surrounded made the location picturesque. I was glad that I chose the place.

I heard a small gasp from behind. I swiftly turned over to see her in a blue knee length dress. If it was possible, she looked even more beautiful than what she looked in the ball room. Her eyes searched mine and remained statue.

I moved towards her in a trance. I handed her a rose taking it out from my coat pocket with a smile. "I am impressed. Rose and stuff." She giggled.

"I just wanted your experience to be the best." I said giving a sheepish smile.

"Well, I think your efforts won't go in vain." She chuckled as we moved to sit at the table. It was isolated.

"Its such a nice place." She said moving her eyes all over.

"I know right."

"How did you discover it ?"

"Its for me to know and you to never find out. Lets start." I said taking the chair out for her.

Heyaaa everyone !! How was the chapter ? Did you liked it ? Tell me your views regarding it which I would love to here. I know this one is short but its okay ;) I will compensate for it in the next chapter. Keep smiling. Thank you !!

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