10: I can't be Perfect

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"Aye aye captain !" Rudra yelled in the cell.

"Rudra, would you stop watching Sponge bob and the Square pants for God's sake ?" All I heard were some giggles. "Where are you Rudy ?" I asked suspiciously. He better not be where I am thinking.

"Do you want me to say home, or be honest ?" He asked. "Okay, I am out partying !" He shouted over it and I had to keep my phone a few centimetres away. Om has been such a bad babysitter.

"Its 11 Rudra !" I said being upset. He was being childish. But then again, what should I expect from him ?

"Where are you bhaiya ?" He asked.

"Well, I won't be coming home today. No more questions regarding it. Call Om and tell him, where you are and I want you home in less than a hour. Is it clear ?" I asked.

Still waiting for his reply, I felt a sudden urge to shout. I am already frustrated and he is being immature. "Rudra !!" I shouted and the line went dead. Well, hope he is fine.

I saw someone passing by my cabin. "Radhika !" I called.

"Yes-yes sir." She stuttered.

"Its 11, what are you still doing in the office ?" I asked. Its obnoxious.

"Um, actually Mr. Oberoi asked me to complete some files and I was doing so. I was heading home." She said playing with her fingers, which I assume she was nervous. Well, how could he do this to the employees. She is a girl, and working this late is not at all appropriate.

"Ask my driver to drop you." I said and she nodded gratefully.

Now I had the office to myself. I hastily went to my secret shelf, and pulled out the Whiskey. Taking few sips, won't mind. It will rather help me to energise and forget all this nuisance for a while. My best friend.

Who is calling at this ungodly hour ? "Hello !" I slurred.

"Shivaay, its 1, where are you ?" I immediately recognised Om.

"Sleeping over at a friend." I lied.

"Which friend ?" He asked. God, no why is he bickering so much ? As much as I love him, I want to be alone from all the mishaps and talking.

"I will tell you tomorrow, I am sleeping." I cut the phone. Hope he did not realise that I was a little tipsy.

"Well, all the work is done." I gave a cheeky smile to myself and patted on the back. I wasn't able to recognise my voice. It was all girly. Uh oh. "Shivaay you don't have to be girly. You are a man, behave like one." I mimicked mother's tone. "She always says like that. No one wants me happy." I said losing control over myself and falling on the floor.

"Everyone wants me to be the best." My chest felt heavy. Great, I was talking to myself. "Why can't they understand, I am trying to be one."

" They never loved me, all they wanted was me to own the industry." I felt some liquid stinging my eyes. Oh, its tears.

I hastily wiped them with the back of the hands. Girls cry, they say.

"I just wanted a family who can love me for what I am. But who am I kidding ?" I laughed loudly and it echoed. "I will give up everything, just to get that, but I know its impossible. Why is it so difficult ?" The pressure I had been holding spilled out of my eyes.

I threw my blazer and west coat on the floor. Opening my shirt, I caressed my scars, they may be old, but the mark is still prominent. "I don't know what my fault is. Whatever they say, I follow. I can't be happy for a moment, if I will be then the shower of pain will consume me. I know, its bound to happen. Ever heard of no pain, no gain. If I will be happy, it will be destroyed and i will get a pay back that would be 10 times the pain."

I let my wounds and the whiskey take control over me till the darkness consumed me.

"Sir, sir" someone knocked on the door repeatedly. My head felt as if it was about to explode. It hurts so much. I quickly realised I was half naked. I made myself presentable, and scurried outside. "Sir," the man said.

"Yeah !" I replied.

"I just wanted to say Mr. Oberoi, will be here any moment." He said and went off. Thank god, he woke me.

"Shivaay you are still here." Badepapa threw me a look.

"If you forgot, I was grounded." I said harshly. "Tone down your voice, young lad !" He said glaring.

"Go and change, you stink." I had applied the room freshener thoroughly, hope he can't smell the whiskey. I nodded and went home.

Quietly tiptoeing, I went to the washroom. I looked over the mirror and saw my eyes bloodshot. Bound to happen, yeah. I freshened up and was going, when was stopped by somebody. "Raise your hands and don't move." I followed the advice. Who is there behind my back. I heard someone giggling. I turned around to witness Anika giving a thumbs up to Dadi, for holding me hostage.

"Dadi !" I called annoyingly.

"You are getting involve in her pranks." I said eying her as she laughed.

"Don't drag my daughter into this. She is as innocent as someone can be." She said.

"So you are taking sides." I asked tapping my hands on my chin.

" Shut up, Shivaay." She said and both the ladies pinched my cheeks, smiling gleefully.

And they both just cheered my morning. At least, I have 2 people who care about me.

"Bhaiya, breakfast is ready." Rudra spoke as Om chased him.

"What happened Om ? Why are you chasing him ?" Dadi asked.

"He gave one of my best paintings to his girlfriend." He said and Rudra pouted.

"O you are talented. Make another." He spoke seriously as both of them fell on the ground and everybody burst out laughing.

Did I say two people who are my favourite ? Correction, make them four. I laughed and went to give the best brothers in the world a huge hug.

Heya cuties !! Early this time. Hope you liked the sneak peek in Shivaay's past. Vote and Comment. Thank you !

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