31: Longing

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He was confused with what melts faster

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He was confused with what melts faster. Ice or his heart when she smiles at him - anonymous


Squeezed in a hug, I tried breathing.

"Shivaay, you came !" The shrill note of her voice was unmistaken. Her eyes were twinkling letting me know that she was extremely delighted and at the same time grateful for making my presence known.

"Yeah," I muttered awkwardly patting her back.

She tucked a strand behind her ear. Giving a genuine smile she accepted the gift I bought her. "Thanks for coming." I nodded in acknowledgment. She proceeded to open the gift and her brow ceased slightly before letting out a surprise squeal. Honestly, I asked Om to choose a bracelet for her cause I am not good in choosing these stuff. I am glad she liked it.

Her dimple crinkled in the slightest. She was wearing an auburn colour dress that brought out the colour in her eyes. Exchanging a few pleasantries, I stood at somewhere isolated, several stubborn thoughts clouded my mind.

I looked at the counter and the bartender who was serving whiskeys to everyone. I longed for one. Its been almost a week since I last drank and had a proper sleep.

That day when I went back home, Om had took me to our doctor and he found out that I had a lot of alcohol intake in my blood. Om was furious, would be an understatement. He was persistent, asking me the reason why I did that but I couldn't muster up enough courage to tell him the truth, nor I was able to come with a reasonable excuse. I had dismissed the conversation with my brothers saying that I would tell them soon, but not now. Apparently the reason behind my dark circles was partially exposed. They both now constantly pester me to have rest and work less

Only if they knew.

Rudra had acted mature for his age, and had made sure that I abide my the rules. There was also a time when he almost made me spill the beans by guilt tripping me and emotionally blackmailing me. He had made me promise not to drink here too. At Sharvi's birthday party.

I closed my eyes, the sudden feeling of déjà vu penetrating me. She was here. It almost seemed surreal that I was meeting her after a whole week. Sure we had been exchanging texts but the urge in me to see her grew more every passing second.

I knew I had to stay away from her but its difficult. I swear, I tried. I really did. I ignored her for a day but then her calls and texts asking me if I was fine, if I needed her, she would always be there, having my back. It felt so much in me to not call her and tell her that I miss her.

Like almost, I needed her.

I needed and wanted to tell her that I need her to make me forget all the baggage of my past, present and future that I am carrying. The feeling had been so raw, so strong that I almost gave up. I texted her back making some lame excuse. Chatted with her. Still that wasn't enough. I wanted her to rake her fingers through my hair and make it messy.

I wouldn't have protested at the thought of her touching my hair. Even in the slightest.

I wanted her to sit beside me, just like we were by the meadow, watch stars and talk about life. I wanted her to tell me so many things, to whisper that everything will be smooth. There would be no villain in the story of my life and it will be a happy ending just like a novel, everything daisies and unicorns.

Knowing that she would be here was painful and blissful to me at the same moment. Blissful, because I would get to see her making lame jokes or calling me narcissistic or giving comebacks and fighting with me for something stupid or even that smile without a dimple. I knew dimple was my weakness but still, I felt strangely attracted to her, to her laugh, to her teasing smirk and even the way her hand felt beneath mine.

I had promised my brothers I won't drink tonight but I don't know if I will be able to resist the temptation.

You know there are times that I hate her. I hate her for making me feel all giddy. I hate her for making me feel all the mushy stuff, she can't stop bickering about. I hate how she has an upper hand to our conversations and how she becomes my weakness.

But I don't know what I feel about her. The topic of her is enough to make me a mess.

Do I like her ?

Honestly, I don't know. I am confused. Really. It has been what, only a few weeks since I last met her. I couldn't possibly have feelings for her.

And just like this, I always leave this topic isolated, having no conclusion, my feelings in a bundle.

I turned my eyes seeing her giggling at something and then laughing, throwing her head back. It seemed she doesn't have a care in the world and the genuine aura around her becomes contagious. Her eyes averted towards me, a sigh escaping from my lips. Her mouth curled into a brighter smile as she waved at me.

She was wearing a night gown, a light violet one. Her hair were curled at the ends, some mascara joining in to complete the look of the girl.

I watched her, not caring what the people think of me. Crazy boy or even better the stalker who is gawking at the girl with a hidden motive. I can't help myself, from refraining myself to not let a single action of hers affect me.

She approached me a few minutes later excusing herself from the rest. The mere action of hers was enough to make me feel special.

"Hey," she stated giving a small smile.

"You look stunning." The words escaped my mouth before I could stop them. Honestly it looks better in my head. I have to be careful to not let my guard down, I am at a party and here everyone knows me as a ruthless business man who keeps himself from talking.

She gave me a surprised look, a faint pink colouring her cheeks under the dim light.

"You don't look bad yourself."

Eagerly waiting for your views and thoughts. I hope you liked the chapter. Also a big shootout to my readers, you all are awesome <3

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