5: breathlessly speechless

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5: breathlessly speechless

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5: breathlessly speechless

The long, pointed stick stared at me. The silence between us telling me that its just another day when my blood would be granted to a vampire. To a person, who was hell bent on torturing me. I noticed the stick growing bigger and bigger till he stopped.

"Pull out the damn shirt."

I obliged, no tears making their way down my cheek. I kept my eyes shut hard waiting for the impact to hit me like a tornado. I won't scream, I promised myself.

"Ah!" I screamed, as I shut my eyes in urgency, the stick penetrating a hole through me. So brutal. It was too painful. I fell in the floor, as I felt warm liquid seeping out.

The door to the storeroom shut.

I woke up, some tears here and there as I pulled my knees a bit closer, sucking in a breath. It felt it just happened a few seconds ago. I pulled out my shirt, caressing the mark that still burned whenever it was touched.

The moon illuminated brightly as I looked out of the window, my head on my knees as my lips continued to be pressed in a thin line. I glanced at my watch, some two hours past midnight as I now lay awoke.

My eyes burned with the lack of sleep. I washed them with cold water, thinking that it would numb everything else. Times like these, I would dwell on the thought of what exactly wrong had I done to endure it. Every single time, I would blame the circumstances, him but none of them eased my pain.

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