28: Back to Square One

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I woke up to the sound of laughter. Stretching my arms, I noticed the yellow duvet wrapped around me. I followed the source of noise and saw the duo going hysteric seeing something on the phone. I quietly removed the sheets and peeked over.

"What the hell ?" I yelled.

They looked at me taken aback and started laughing again. "Its really hilarious."

"Its not. And why did you snapped a picture of me while sleeping that too with my mouth ajar ?"

"Correction SSO, its snoring. You were practically snoring ! Did you know how much an obstruction you can be to people who are trying to live their lives peacefully by gaining some quick hours of sleep ?" Sahil asked squinting his eyes on me.

Embarrassed, I turned a little red. Did I really snore ?

"By the way why did you sleep here ?" Anika asked speaking for the first time in a while.

"Really Anika. Really ? I mean you practically begged me to not to go saying you can't live without me." I said mimicking her voice.

Her face flushed. "You are lying."

"Why would I ?" I said smirking making my way back to my room. "Be ready in half an hour. We are leaving back to India."


"Wow, it feels so good to be back here." Anika said sniffing.

"Why on the earth are you sniffing ?"

"It just rained. The fragrance is too fresh to resist." She said walking carefully trying not to step on the small puddles.

The rain just made coming to India a lot better. The trees were swaying lightly with the wind as the flowers bloomed indicating the rain's approval.

"So.." She started looking at me as I sat in the car which would be escorting me to Oberoi Mansion.

I waited for her to continue. I was not knowing when I would be greeting her presence again. The thought itself was a tad bit painful, thinking of all the moments I spent with her and the way she made me feel blissful, happy and carefree even for a meagre amount of time.

"We will be meeting in Sharvi's party." I stated suddenly, my thoughts voicing themselves. This party now seemed more appealing to me than anything.

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