25: Irrational Thoughts

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"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday yo you. Happy Birthday dear Dadi." I sang over the face time.

I noticed a change in her demeanour as she tried suppressing her smile. "I am still angry." She said trying to make her body look stiff.

A curl appeared over my lips. "I know that Dadi, please forgive me." I said feeling genuinely guilty. "Spare a glance at least. I am sorry."

She turned completely and looked at me. "Its okay." She finally said.

"And if I have known that my guilty look would make you forgive me, I would not have been singing the birthday song for almost half an hour." I said chuckling a bit as she shook her head disbelievingly.

"Was the deal too important that you couldn't be here for my birthday ?" She asked looking sad. "I miss you."

"Nah Dadi. Nothing is more important than you but you see.." I said scratching my head awkwardly. "But I bought you a gift."

Her eyes immediately brightened and she looked at me expectantly. I shuffled over the screen of my laptop and went to my drawer only to reveal to her a box of chocolates made of honey. She began chanting several thank you like a child and her smile warmed my heart. After a few minutes of bickering here and there I cut the call. I miss my family so much right now.

My mind suddenly pondered over the so called Date yesterday. I still find it hard to believe that I went with her yesterday. I couldn't even trace the old me there. I don't know what the future beholds for me but I enjoy her company a lot. With her it seems so much easier to laugh, to do things without having to think about other's opinion, to loosen yourself. Its as if she is my drink. Whenever I am with her, it feels like I am drunk. I do not care about anything and it feels I am a free bird.

I am not caged.

Everything. Everything seems so easy. So beautiful. It feels like everything is rainbows and daisies with her just like a novel. I can't help but compare the time spent with her with my drunken self. I know I shouldn't let the irrational thought to tarry within me but its stupid, it isn't going away.

Would I be able to sleep without having nightmares if I am with her ?

I flinched.

What was I even thinking. Just because my drink let me sleep without having nightmares I should not think that the same ideology applies with her. Right at this moment I feel so dependent on her and I hate her for that. I am known for my power but why every time I think of her, I become soft ?

Caught up between an inner battle, I dismissed my thoughts. Its easier this way.


I sat in my room wondering about my short visit to the Windora Seizures. Today was the day to collect the significant papers and finalize the deal. Finally, the soul purpose of coming to France was resolved and I could fly back to my home tomorrow. I ignored the pang of ache when I thought about continuing my usual routine and drowning myself in work again.

This was the last day.

Last day when I could enjoy myself.

Last day when I could enjoy myself with her.

Ignoring thousands of voices that were motioning me to ask her if she was free so that I could spend some time with her, I couldn't bring myself up to do so. I just couldn't.


"Sahil wait !" I heard her voice as the door sprang open. My eyes that were trained on the business manual now looked up at her face which was marked with uneasiness. The confusion on my face was becoming more distinct with each passing second till the toddler decided to open his mouth.

"SSO would you like to take us to the Amusement park ? Yesterday Anika Di made me sleep early saying that if I won't sleep I will be making an entry into the Gorilla's face. And me being the innocent usual self relied on her. I know that you two went somewhere without telling me. This is wrong. She didn't even think before betraying me." He said in one breath, his hand on his cloth indicating his heart. He rubbed that spot slowly showing that he was hurt.

Oh the effects of being Anika's brother.

I looked at her to see that she was already giving me a sheepish grin, scratching her nape uneasily, her eyes somewhat glistening with hope that I will take him but was morphed by her facial expressions indicating that I didn't have to do if I wasn't comfortable.

Don't even ask me how I can read her so easily !

"Okay you can change. We will meet in ten in the lobby and go to the park." I said breaking the ice as a relief smile flooded over Sahil's cheek as he beckoned me to come to his level. Muttering a thanks, he placed his lips on my bearded cheek and then rushed out before I could even comprehend what happened.

"I am sorry about that. He can get excited at times." Anika said moving towards me and after making sure about the appropriate distance between us, she stood smiling at me. "Thanks too."

I gave her a curt nod and she guffawed at me. "What ?" I said at the sudden change change in her expressions.

"I spoke almost three lines and all you gave me was a nod. Your behaviour could definitely earn you an award about the most Rude and Ridiculous Personality." She said the last line under her breath, but I could hear it precisely.

"What do you want me to do then. A long speech about saying welcome, shake hand with you affectionately or even give you a hug ?" I said scoffing a little not noticing my words.

She blushed a little. "Anything you prefer among the three options." She said giving me a wink.

Was she flirting with me ?

Heyaa everyone ! How are you all ? Did you enjoyed the chapter ? The quote above is my personal favorite. I completed twenty five chapters of this book. Ain't it amazing ? Do post your comments about the thoughts of this chapter. A quick hello to the Silent Readers here. Yesterday night, I was thinking that can my book reach a hundred thousand views ? Just a thought, thou. Thank you !!

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