Calum Imagine.

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A/N: Hey, this is for Valerie :)




The bench I was sitting on wasn't that comfortable, but I didn't mind. I was sitting in a café drawing onto my sketch pad. There was someone sitting on the windowsill with a guitar, looking out onto the street.

I had seen him in the café before, but never got to know his name. He was what I am drawing today. I liked the way his hair fell perfectly whenever he'd shake his head. As I take my bottom lip between my teeth and bite down, I concentrate on the boy's facial features. I stop drawing for a split second to look in my bag to retrieve my brown colour pencil. That was the colour of his eyes. I fill

in his eyes on my sketch pad, but when I look up to continue sketching him, he isn't there.

I whip my head around the café and I still  couldn't find him. My sketch pad and pencil fall from my hands and onto the table. The picture of the boy on the windowsill was almost finished. All I had left to do was draw the minor details like the wrinkles in his clothes and the shadow of his hands on his guitar. Just as I was about to grab my sketch pad to put it away in my bag, another hand grabs it. I look up and it's none other than the boy I've been drawing for the last half an hour.

"This is really good," he says with a smile. My cheeks turned bright red.

One, because I was caught drawing him and two, because he actually liked, it.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" I shake my head no. He smiles and hands me my sketch pad back. The boy places his guitar against the wall before sitting across from me.

"I'm Calum" he introduces.

"I'm Valerie" I say as I close my sketch pad.

"I see that you come in here a lot to draw..." I watch as his hand slowly reaches across the table for my sketch pad

"Do you mind if I take a look?" I shake my head no. As he looks through my sketches, I intently

stare at his eyes. Now that I was closer to him, I could see how they sparkled. I didn't realize that Calum was done looking at my sketches until I heard a snapping noise. After shaking my head, I look at Calum; he's smiling.

"Do you want to go for a walk, Valerie?" he asks.

I don't hesitate to say yes. As he grabs his guitar, I shove my sketch pad into my bag and get off the bench. Calum leads me out of the café and we two begin walking down a familiar street. It was the street to my house.

"So, long have you been drawing?" Calum asks.

"A few years," I say. We two talked about things we did for fun up until I reached my house.

"Well...this is it for me.," I say sadly.

"I know," Calum says with a smile. I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Are you...are you stalking me?" He chuckles.

"Of course not. We're neighbors. We have been for a long time." That calmed me down.

"Oh," was all I could say.

He walks me up to my house, but stands on the bottom step as I step onto the porch. When I turn around, I see him scratching the back of his head.

"Why now?" I ask.


"Why now? Why did you come up to me today instead of any other day? You said you see me draw at the café all the time. Why was today different?" Calum looks at the ground before looking at me.

"I was afraid before..."

"Afraid of what, Calum?" I walk down the steps so I are on the same level with him.

"Afraid to talk to you." His cheeks got red.

"You don't have to be afraid Calum; I don't bite." We both look towards the front door when I hear my name being called.

"I gotta go, Calum. But we should definitely hang out sometime," I say happily.

"I'd like that," Calum says. Just as I was about to walk up the stairs to the porch, he grabs my hand, spins me around and kisses my cheek. "See you later, Valerie." I stand on the bottom step with the biggest smile on my face as Calum gives me a hug and kisses me once again but this time on my forehead and walks away.

"See you later, Calum," I whisper to myself.




A/N: Please Vote & Comment.


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