Chapter 5: Nerdy Friend

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"And Nathan just came over asking Max what she told the Principal." Warren told me.

"She told him she didn't know what he was talking about. He said to not play stupid with him, then things escalated." I nodded. "Where do you think she went?" He questioned me. "With whoever was in that truck." I said to him. "Did you see him?" Warren asked. "I'm pretty sure it was a her." I told him. And I knew it was a her.

None other then the mysterious Chloe from before. Still can't wrap my head around as to why that name sounds so familiar.

"Maybe..." Warren said and trailed off. "Daniel, I need to tell you something. About Max." I looked at him. "Go for it, man." Warren looked at me and sighed.

"I like her. I like her a lot."

"You think I don't know that?" I said. He gave me a confused look. "What?" He said. "Come on, dude. It's so easy to tell. You treat her like she's some queen." I said to him. He looked nervous. "Am I that easy to read?" He asked. "Easier than you think." I said to him. He slowly nodded.

"Still. I... mainly did all this to impress her." He said. "What, getting your ass kicked?" I asked him. "Well, to protect her... yeah?" He said and rubbed his neck. I chuckled. Shaking my head. "Warren, man, if you really like her that much, just go ask her out. It doesn't have to be a big date or anything." I told him.

Warren smiled slightly. "Well... I've been wanting to ask her to go to this drive-in theater with me for a while now." I shrugged. "There you go." I told him. "Except, do you think she would be interested in seeing the old Planet of the Apes movies there?" He asked me. Now that's a good question. "Wait, why am I asking you? You only saw the reboot with James Franco." He said. "Yeah, best ask her that yourself, man." I told him.

Warren smiled confidently. "Maybe I will. Next time I see her!" He said. "Go for it man." I told him. "I will. Thanks for helping me grow some balls." He said, patting my upper arm. I raised my fist and we fist bumped. "It's cool man." I told him. "You know, you're actually not so bad, Daniel. Everyone says you're just another typical asshole skater. But you're pretty awesome." He said.

"Okay man, no need to get all mushy." I said, lightly shoving him in the shoulder. Warren chuckled and pushed me back. "Well, it's been cool Warren. See ya around." He nodded. "Cool man." We split off into different directions.

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