Chapter 35: Rachel Dawn Amber

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Once Max was inside the truck, Chloe stomped the pedal and raced down the dirt road. She gripped the wheel so tightly, you could see her knuckles turning pale.

We made it to the junkyard in a matter of minutes. Without even turning off the truck, Chloe opened her door and started running. Max and I tried to keep up with her but she was really on the move.

"Chloe, slow down! Wait for us!" Max called out to her. "I know exactly where I'm going!" Chloe told us. She ran around a corner of junk and turned left. Running along the bus. She finally stopped.

"Look, this is it! This is it!" Chloe told us. She fell to her knees and started digging. "Are you going to help me, Max?" Chloe asked. Max got on her knees and helped Chloe dig. I just stood there and watched. My heart was beating so fast.

"Chloe, stop!" Max said. "Look!" She pointed into the hole they dug. Chloe sat up on her knees as Max continued digging. Chloe shook her head. "Please, no..." She muttered. Max's face scrunched up and she backed away. "That smell..." She said.

Chloe leaned over the hole. "Rachel..." She called out. Tears started leaking from her eyes. "Oh, Rachel, no, no! Please, not her!" Chloe cried.

Max cupped her hands to her mouth. I just stared with my eyes and mouth wide open. Chloe started crying on her knees. Max moved up to her. "Chloe..." She said softly. "Rachel... Why?" Chloe cried and hugged her knees. "I'm sorry, Chloe. I'm so sorry..." Max said as she brought her friend into her arms. "I loved her so much..." Chloe said. "How can she be dead?" Chloe gasped for air. "What kind of world does this? Who does this?"

Chloe continued to cry in Max's arms. I was speechless. I couldn't think right. I even forgot my own fucking name.

I walked around. Taking small steps. I didn't know what to think. I slowly looked at Max and Chloe. Max looked at me with sad eyes. Chloe looked up at me next. Her eyes were bloodshot from her tears. I sighed sadly and crossed my arms. I started slowly pacing back and forth.

Chloe leaned her head into Max's neck and cried. And all I could do was watch. I was stricken. Don't get me wrong. But nothing. Nothing could take away Chloe's pain. Not from this. Rachel was her best friend.

They just has this bond. They had something special. And now that's gone.

It was the night of the End of the World party at Blackwell. We were still at the junkyard. I sat silently in the back of the truck with my legs kicked up on the seat crossing at my ankles behind Max. Who was running her fingers through Chloe's blue hair as she slept in her lap. Chloe was so heartbroken that we had to lift her up and support her to the truck.

"I'm sorry." Max said.

I looked up from my phone. "What?" I said. "I said I'm sorry." Max said, turning her head to face me. I nodded. "It... must have been hard to see that." She said. "I mainly knew Rachel through Chloe." I told her. "Anyway. Thanks for being here, Max. Especially for Chloe." I said.

Max looked down at her friend. Fast asleep with her head resting on her lap. "I'll always be here for you guys. Especially Chloe." I nodded again. "I left her once. I'm not leaving her again." Max said. "It was a big mistake on my part. Daniel, William died. And I left shortly after... when Chloe needed me most."

"Well... you're here now." I told her. My phone vibrated in my hand. I checked it and it was a text from Justin.

J- Yo! I am so baked! Swing by soon! And bring Chloe!
D- we'll see dude

Max felt Chloe stir in her lap. Chloe's eyes slowly opened. Dry tear stains still remained on her face. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Hey, you." Max said softly. Chloe leaned into the seat and sighed.

"Nathan Prescott needs to be put down. Tonight." Chloe's first words were. "But Chloe..." "I said tonight, Max!" Chloe interrupted Max. "Daniel, you're with me on this, right?" Chloe said, turning in her seat to face me. I locked eyes with her.

"Chloe... I don't know. Maybe we should—"

"Fuck sake!" Chloe shouted and punched the wheel. Causing the trucks horn to honk. "You guys are supposed to have my back! Nathan fucking killed her! Rachel is dead! And he's the cause!" Chloe started the truck and the headlights lit up the junkyard.

"Chloe. Where are we going?" Max asked her. Chloe faced her with fire burning in her eyes.

"To Blackwell!"

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