Chapter 24: Strange Actions

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Alternate Timeline

Max opened her eyes and saw all the Vortex Club members around her. She felt someone's arm wrapped around her. She looked at the person and recognized him as Daniel. He had his arm wrapped around her like they were in a relationship?

"Hello, are you even listening, Maxine?" Victoria questioned.

Max looked confused at her. "Max, never Maxine." She said. "You okay, Max?" I asked her. She looked at me.

Max Caulfield. She was a total geek before she joined the Vortex Club. So glad I get to call this hottie my girlfriend.

"What are you doing, Daniel?" She asked as she gently pulled out of my grasp. "Uhhh what are you doing?" I asked her. "Hey. It's okay." I assured her as I gently grabbed her hand. Max looked at Victoria. Then at me. "Yeah... right." She said. Slightly tightening her grip on my hand. That was odd. She never did that before.

"Do you want to go hit the girl's potty and smoke a peace pipe?" Victoria asked her. "I think Max is high..." Courtney said. "She's acting, like, so weird... You cool, Max?" Taylor asked her. "Nobody listened when I said we shouldn't let her in the Vortex..." "Courtney, you don't want anybody in the club." Taylor told her. "Like whatever, bitch." Courtney said.

Max stood up. "Hey, Max. What's going on?" I asked her. "I... uhhh... Daniel, please come with me." She said. "Sure?" I said unsurely. I stood up and walked with Max.

She looked at this nerd named Warren. With his girlfriend Stella. Max looked sad. I grabbed her hand. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked her. I grabbed her shoulders. "You good?" I asked. She looked around the campus with a shocked expression. "Hey. Look at me." I told her. "What's wrong?" I asked her again. Max looked at me.

She looked so scared.

"Daniel! Come on, we have to go!" She said. "Go where?" I asked her. "Just come on!" She demanded. She dragged me to the steps leading to the bus stop.

The bus stopped in front of us and the doors opened. The war veteran bus driver greeted us with a nod. Max slowly stepped onto the bus. I followed her to a seat and sat beside her. I grabbed her hand and said, "Max, you look pale. Are you sure you're alright?" Max looked at me.



"... Nothing." She said.

I pressed a kiss to her lips. "I'm here if you need me." I told her. She blushed. But why? We kissed before. We've been dating for a few months now. "I... I know. Thanks... babe." She said. I forced a smile. "You know it." I told her and wrapped my arm around her. She started to relax as she cuddled into my neck. I don't know where we're going. But I just want Max to feel comfortable. I sure hope it's nothing I did. Max means a lot to me.

Taylor was jealous at first since she also had feelings for me. But I never found out until after Max and I started dating. With the looks she gives us, I can tell she's still a little bit jealous.

The sun shined through the window. I looked at Max and smiled. "You look beautiful." I told her. Max looked at me and smiled nervously. "Thank you." She said. Okay, that's not Max. She always kisses me when I tell her that. But I didn't make a big deal out of it. I simply nodded and pulled her close. I felt her head move against my arm as she looked out the window. The bus pulled to a stop. Something caught everyone's attention in the bus.

There were beached whales lying in the sand. Max looked at me and said, "Let's go." I nodded and stood up. I let her pass me and followed behind her. The bus driver opened the doors for us and we exited the large vehicle.

We watched as the bus drove away. Bringing the whales into view. "Those whales are definitely something, huh?" I said. But Max didn't answer. "Max?" I questioned. I saw her running down the sidewalk. What now? I dashed after her.

I followed her down the block and to this blue house. She stopped by the steps leading to the yard. "Max? Why are we here?" I asked her. She didn't respond. She looked all around the house. I was so confused at this point. Max looked at me and grabbed my hand. She then started walking up the steps.

We stopped in front of the door. Max looked at me nervously. I encouraged her with a nod. Even though I'm still confused as to why she brought me here. Max knocked on the door three times. A few seconds passed until the door opened. Revealing blond a man. He smiled delightfully at Max.

"Max Caulfield!" He greeted.

"Taking a break after taking Seattle by storm..." He said. He looked at me and nodded. "You must be Max's boyfriend. I'm William Price."

"Daniel Connors. Nice to meet you." I said as we exchanged a friendly shake of hands.

William turned his attention back to Max. "We thought we'd never see you again after you left for the big city." He told her. Max shook her head. "No..." She said. "I'd never do that to Chloe." William smiled. "Speaking of... I know she's been dying to see you. She'll get a chance to meet Daniel too. Hold on." He said.

He turned to the living room and called out, "Chloe! You have a visitor!" He said. William smiled at us and moved out of the way.

An electric wheelchair turned the corner from the living room. Revealing a girl that was seated inside it. I shoved my hands inside my pockets and looked at Max. She widen her eyes and covered her mouth. The wheelchair stopped and the girl smiled widely.

"Max..." She greeted happily. She looked so happy. Max lowered her hand from her mouth.


End of Episode 3

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