Chapter 31: The Prescott Rival

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I followed Max and Chloe to the boys' dorm. Max entered first. I followed behind Chloe.

"So lame they don't have co-ed dorms here." Chloe said. "Yes, because I want Nathan Prescott in the room next door." Max said over her shoulder. "Good point." Chloe said with a shrug. "Well, I gotta deal with him." I said to them. "Oof. I feel so sorry for you." Chloe said.

Max turned to us. "You two wait here. Give me the signal if Nathan or anybody shows up." She said.

"We won't let you down, Bat-Max." Chloe said.

"Oooh. Is she Christian Bale's Batman?" I asked. "Oh, hey Warren. I thought you were Daniel." Chloe said to me. "Hey, I can enjoy superhero movies sometimes." I told her. "I bet you just drool over Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow then." I shrugged. "Yeah, she's pretty hot." I said. "I agree." Chloe said.

"What?" I questioned.

"What?" Chloe said back.

After a few seconds of silence, Chloe and I started laughing.

"Never took you as someone who watched superhero movies, skater boy." Chloe said. "Come on, don't you like watching Star Wars, superheroes, Harry Potter? I mean come on. You and Max wanted to be pirates. That must mean you've watched Pirates of the Caribbean more times than you can count."

"Surprisingly not." Chloe said. "I wasn't into a Johnny Depp pirate flick. Just didn't float my boat."

"Well, what does?" I asked. Chloe thought for a minute. "Honestly? You have to admit, Disney is fucking childhood!" She said. "Right? Monsters Inc!" I said. "Toy Story!" Chloe said back.

"Finding Nemo!"

"The Incredibles!"


"Ehhhh not really..." Chloe said. "What?!" I questioned her.

"You don't like Cars?" I said. "Oh sorry, did I just crush your sweet childhood memories of talking cars?" Chloe said in a mocking tone. "Chloe... I don't know you. I don't hear you. I don't see you. I'm out." I said and pulled open the door. Making my way out.

I felt a tight grip on my wrist and was pulled back in. "Nu-uh, skater boy. You can't leave us now. Not when we're in this deep." Chloe said. "Okay, fine. We're cool." I said.

After a few minutes, Max finally returned from Nathan's room.

"Damn, Max, you're finally back. I got worried." Chloe said. "So what did you find?" She asked. "His room was clean and creepy." Max told us. She pulled a bag from her pocket. "Check this out." She said and gave Chloe the bag which appeared to have a phone and some other things in it. Chloe examined it said, "Boom, Nathan. We got you by the balls, fucker."

Suddenly, the door opened behind us. We looked to see who it is.

Oh fuck. Aw shit! We fucked ourselves!

Nathan's head jerked back in confusion. He narrowed his eyes at us. "What are you doing in my dorm?" He questioned us. Chloe quickly hid the bag behind her back. "You're such a nosy bitch, Max!" Nathan said loudly, taking steps toward them. "Stop right there, Nathan!" Max told him. I stood in front of him, pressing my hands against him, stopping him from walking forward. "Make me, ho." He said.

"Fuck off!" Nathan said, throwing his fist across my jaw. "Daniel!" Chloe and Max said. I stumbled back. Pressing my hand against my jaw.

I saw someone's legs pass by. I then heard a push and Nathan grunted lightly.

"Max, I got this." Warren's familiar voice said.

Nathan glared at Warren. "Get the fuck out of my face!" Nathan demanded. Warren clenched his fists. He grabbed Nathan by his jacket and rammed his head into his. Nathan's head snapped back and he fell backwards. Warren groaned and shook his head. Pressing his hand to his head.

"You are so fucking dead..." Nathan shouted.

He reached behind him and pulled out a gun. Warren kicked his hand away and the gun flew out of Nathan's hand. Warren sent his foot into Nathan's chest. "Get off me, brah!" Nathan shouted. Warren's foot flew into Nathan's stomach. Causing Nathan to cough out loud.

After a few more kicks, Max grabbed Warren's arm. "Warren, stop it! Come on." She told him, pulling Warren away from Nathan.

"Ow... my head. Why are you all looking at me like that, huh?" Nathan said to us. He crawled to his gun and grabbed it. "You... you... and you... you're all dead!" He pointed at us. He held his stomach as he walked away. "Let's go. Now!" Chloe told us. "Plus, my dad is on his way! You're all fucked! He owns you!" Nathan said as he turned the corner. Max looked at me, breathing heavily. Obviously shaken by the whole thing.

"Are you okay, Daniel?" Max asked, placing her fingers under my chin, examining my bruise. "Yeah, I'm good." I told her. "Come on. Let's go." She said.

Once we were away from the boys' dorm, we stopped out by the campus.

"Damn, that was intense." Max said. We all looked at Warren. Who was awkwardly fiddling with his fingers. "Warren, thank you so much." Max told him. "For what?" He asked. "For headbutting Nathan Prescott." Chloe told him. "That was awesome."

"Dude, where was that when we got out asses kicked?" I said to him.

Warren shrugged. "I don't know. I almost went crazy there... like Nathan." He said. Max rubbed his upper arm. "You're not anything like him." She assured. Warren rubbed the back of his neck. "Good to know." He said.

"So where are you going? I better stick with you guys..." He said. "Just in case you need me to get my Hulk on again. Or should I call the cops on Nathan?" Max shook her head. She said, "No police. Not yet. Uh... so maybe you better... um..."

"Warren, me, Max and Daniel have to do this on our own. No offense." Chloe said.

Warren nodded understandingly. "It's cool. Whatever I can do to help." He said. "What you can do is find out anything you can about Nathan's father..." Max told him. Warren nodded. "I'm on it. Between the snow and eclipse, I'm assuming the apocalypse is around the corner." He said.

"And thank you. Seriously." Max said. "Yeah bro, that was pretty sick." I said. "Seriously. That would have been so useful the other day." I told him. "If I knew I had it in me, trust me. He would have gotten it." Warren told me.

"I'll call you later." Max told him. Warren smiled confidently. "You better. I'm feeling pretty alpha right now." He said, rolling his shoulders and cracking his knuckles. "Yes, you are." Max told him. Warren smiled at her and walked off.

Chloe shook her head. "Man, that guy is so fucking in love with you." She said. Max placed her hand against her forehead. "I know..." She muttered. "Well it's not too late... go over there and ask him out." I said jokingly. Chloe lost her smile and glared at me over Max's shoulder. There was something about that gaze.

Like she was jealous I said that.

I nervously smiled and mouthed, "Sorry." Chloe turned her gaze back to Max. "He really did give a serious beatdown to Nathan." Chloe said. "I'm telling you man, if Warren did that the other day, I wouldn't have to worry about you teasing me about it all the time." I said. "Dude, you got beat up by, mind you, Nathan Prescott!" Chloe said.

"Well, it was a little scary to watch him do that." Max said. "Now let's make a date with Frank." Chloe said. "Will he even answer you?" Max asked. "Frank always answers when he wants money." Chloe said as she texted him. Seconds later, even before Chloe could lower her phone, Frank replied.

"Like I said, Frank wants to see me right now." Chloe said.

"Let's not keep him waiting..." Max told her and the two walked off. I glanced back at Blackwell over my shoulder. I looked back and followed them to Chloe's truck.

Dammit man, I just wanna lie down or something.

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