Chapter 36: The Everyday Hero

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"To be honest, Nathan has been freaking me out lately..." Victoria said. We had just warned her about Nathan and the dark room. And thankfully, it looks like she believes us.

"He's not here and I haven't seen him."

"Just make sure you stay away from him and stick close to your friends tonight, okay?" Max told her. Victoria smirked. "I'll let you boss me around this one time." She said. "And I have other people I can go to for protection. Thanks for telling me this, Max." We nodded our heads.

"If what you said is true... then you guys be careful too." She said. "I've got my own protection." Max said.

Well I don't!

"Um, text me if you need anything..." Victoria said. Max smiled. "I will. Thanks, Victoria." She said. "Yeah man, that's cool." I said. "Au revoir." Victoria said to us.

As we walked away, "Well... that went unexpectedly well." I said. "I'm glad. You know, Victoria may not be so bad." Max said. "Maybe..." I replied with a shrug. Chloe suddenly walked out of a door. She looked around with a scowl on her face and leaned on the wall. Crossing her arms.

"There you are." Max said. "Chloe, Nathan isn't here. Nobody has seen him tonight." Max told her. "He's definitely not upstairs or in the lockers." Chloe said to us. "Well shit. He could be at the dorms?" I said. "Then let's bail. Nathan can't hide anymore." Chloe said. We all started walking toward the exit. When suddenly...

"So you made it, Max." Mr. Jefferson said. "Daniel! Always a pleasure." He said. I just nodded. "Oh, hey, Mr. Jefferson..." Max said to him. Shit. There's no walking away until Mr. Jefferson is done talking.

"Um... are you all okay? You look like you're on a mission..." He said.

Yeah, dude... we kinda are!

"Oh, I was just looking for Nathan." Max told him. "Aha. I didn't know you were pals with him." Mr. Jefferson said. "I haven't seen him since this afternoon..." Chloe jerked her eyes at me. She was so furious. All she wanted to do was rip Nathan's throat out.

"He seemed pretty upset. I think he's still quite upset over the whole Kate situation." Mr. Jefferson told us. Max nodded. "Yeah, that makes sense." She said. "Let's talk later, Max. I have to announce the winner of the contest." He said.

"I do wish you would have entered. You have to build up that résumé and portfolio, but I know you will." He assured. "Thanks, I hope so." Max said to him. "Okay, excuse me. I'm almost on..." Mr. Jefferson said and passed Max. He smiled at me and patted my shoulder.

"Let's get the hell out of here, guys..." Chloe said and led us to the exit.

As we were leaving, we heard Mr. Jefferson beating on the mic with his palm. He raised it to his lips and raised his hand.

"Okay, everybody calm down." He said.

Everyone started clapping and cheering. "Thank you, thank you... I appreciate it." He said to everyone. "I don't want to get in the way of the party, but it's time to announce the winner of the "Everyday Heroes" contest." As claps and cheers started to die down, Mr. Jefferson said, "Before I do, I want to thank everybody who entered their photograph... and everybody who thought about entering."

I felt a hand grip my arm and start pulling. Chloe was trying to drag Max and I out of the pool room. But we stopped her and stood our ground.

"Woo! Mr. Jefferson!"



"You're so hot!"

"Now, this is the most important step in being an artist—" Aw great. Here he goes with his "inspirational" speeches. "sharing your work with the world. All of you represent Blackwell Academy, and everything our school stands for. As far as I'm concerned, you're all "Everyday Heroes"! The envelope please..." He was handed the envelope.

"And the winner is..." He examined the paper. "Oh my, what a shocker... Victoria Chase!" Everyone started clapping and cheering. Victoria appeared on stage just seconds later. Obviously overwhelmed. She turned to Mr. Jefferson.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Jefferson. It was your incredible photography that brought me to Blackwell and I hope I can live up to your name..." Great. Now it's her turn to give an "inspirational" speech. Fuck me.

"And fame. I also want to thank all the students for being so dedicated in their pursuit. And I'd like to dedicate this prize to Kate Marsh..." Victoria said. Taking me by surprise. "She is the real "everyday hero" of Blackwell. And I can't wait for her to come back." Victoria smiled widely. "Thank you." Everyone started clapping.

"Victoria won. Big surprise. I can't believe she blackmailed Jefferson..." Max said. "Dude, I can. That's just the bitch she is!" I said. "Well... when you put it that way, yes, I can." Max said to me.

"Who fucking cares?" Chloe said. "Rachel is still dead! And I want Nathan's punk ass... now!" She demanded. Max nodded. "Me too. Let's go check out the dormitories." She said.

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