Chapter 6: Heated Snowflakes

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After skating around the local area for a bit, blowing off some steam from the whole day, I returned to Blackwell.

"Yo, Daniel!" A voice called out. The voice of Justin Williams. As I told Max, I met him and Trevor three years ago when I first got here. We've skated with each other ever since. Oh, and all three of us think Dana is hot. Justin told me once that Trevor actually has something going on with her. Lucky bastard.

"What's happening my bro?" He asked, holding his fist out. "Not much man... you?" I asked as we connected fists. "All is fine. What was up with that fire alarm earlier?" He asked. "Don't know. Probably just a drill or something. Maybe even a false alarm." I said with a shrug. "Drill or not, it definitely saved my ass from talking in front of everyone." He said.

"Have you seen Trevor around?" He asked. "Nope. Haven't seen him all day." Justin scoffed. "Probably off with Dana somewhere." He said with a slight scowl.

"Guess this is what happens when we just sit on our asses waiting for someone to make a move." I said to him. "Whatever. He got her fair and square. Leave it at that. Later Daniel." He said and stood up. I nodded toward him and walked off to my dorm.


The sun was setting. An orange glow flowed through the window. I turned the corner and bumped into someone.

Aw fuck. Of all people I could've bumped into, it's Nathan.

Nathan narrowed his eyes at me. I saw claw marks from Max's nails and the bruise I gave him. He had an expensive camera in his hands. He let it hang in one hand and clenched his other. I dropped my skateboard and looked him in the eyes. We walked up to each other. Our noses nearly touching.

"You've got some balls for laying your hands on me, skater fag. But I'm warning you, don't ever fuck with me again."

"Or what?" I said to him.

His face scrunched up with anger. "You have no idea who you're messing around with..." He said, taking steps toward me. "Same with that punk bitch in the bathroom earlier." He said.

"Watch your back." He told me. He walked forward. Hitting his shoulder against mine. "Or what? Daddy'll come looking for me?" Nathan stopped in his tracks. He looked over his shoulder. His figure was just a silhouette due to the sun peering over the ocean behind him.

"You listen to me. Very carefully." He said. "You have no idea who I am, or who my family is. We can bury you and yours in the ground if we wanted to." He said.

He walked up to me again. "Next time... when something doesn't involve you, mind your own business..." Nathan told me. "Because now you're my problem. And I hate dealing with problems." And with that, he turned and walked off.

I watched him disappear around the corner. I picked up my skateboard and walked to my room. I opened the door and entered the empty room. As before, I dropped my skateboard, and slumped down onto my bed.

Man. What a day. First the fire alarm. Now Nathan and I have this stupid rivalry going on. As much as I hate him, I have to admit. His family is powerful. Real powerful. And I don't deny when he says they can take anyone down. I can't have the Prescott's as an enemy. If I did, I'd be so fucked if it came down to lawyer shit. I just—wait, what the hell?

I stood up and looked out the window. Okay. Either Justin got me contact high, or I'm actually seeing snow. Snow falling from the sky. How the hell is it snowing? I saw people running outside from the dorm below. I heard commotion outside my room. I ran to my door and opened it. Everyone was running to the door. I ran with the crowd to the door. All of us ran down the stairway and burst through the door.

Snow was falling down the sky. Everyone was confused. What was this strange weather? It was early to start snowing. Goddamn, this day has been so fucked up. It's driving me a little crazy. It's kind of hard to think right now. I just need to chill

What else can happen? What else is going to happen?

Play Obstacles by Syd Matters found at the top of the page. Wait for the lyrics to start for the full experience.

Let's say sunshine for everyone
But as far as I can remember
We've been migratory animals
Living under changing weather
Someday we will foresee obstacles
Through the blizzard, through the blizzard
Today we will sell our uniform
Live together, live together.

We played hide and seek in waterfalls
We were younger, we were younger.

We played hide and seek in waterfalls
We were younger, we were younger.

We played hide and seek in waterfalls
We were younger, we were younger.

We played hide and seek in waterfalls
We were younger, we were younger.
Someday we will foresee obstacles
Through the blizzard, through the blizzard

End of Episode 1

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