Chapter 15: Eclipse

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I can't think straight. My mind is all over the place. What the hell almost happened? That's what scares me the most. Kate Marsh could have died. I can imagine the sound of her bones crunching as she plummeted to the ground. It makes me sick. To think that all of this started over that stupid video. And the people who drove her over the edge to the point of suicide. Thank god Max saved her.

I turned the tap and splashed water onto my face. I dried my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I ran my fingers through my hair and left the shower room.

"Max Caulfield saved Kate Marsh!"

"I know, I can't believe it."

"I feel terrible about what happened."

I walked through multiple conversations to my room. I opened the door and closed it. I dropped down into my black leather chair. I pulled out my phone and called my mom.

"Hey Daniel! How was your day?" She said. I didn't respond. "Daniel? Honey? What's the matter?"

I sighed and leaned forward. Placing my face into my hand. "What's wrong?" She asked again. "You know Kate Marsh?" I asked. "That girl at your school?" She said. "She almost died today." I said straight up. My mom was silent. "She's in a video that went viral where she started kissing guys at the Vortex Club." I told her that Max was able to successfully bring Kate down from the roof and that she was now in the hospital.

My mother said she was speechless and that she was sorry it was a stressful day for me. These are the times I miss. When I can just talk to my mom and tell her my problems. But now I'm in Arcadia Bay. And she's in Chicago.

"I hope Kate's alright." She said. "She's not, mom. She's in the hospital and on suicide watch." I told her. "Mom. I want to support Max, but I don't know how." I told her. "Well, your friend is very brave. And I'm happy that she was able to bring Kate down from the roof. I can't imagine what she's feeling right now."

"Max is actually talking with Principal Wells right now." I told her.

"Well, when she's done, you go make sure she's okay." She told me. I nodded. "Sure." I said. "Anyway. I gotta go soon. I have a meeting at six o'clock." She said. "Okay." I said.

"Love you."

"I love you too, mom." And that was that. I grabbed up skateboard and left the room.

As I got to the campus, I saw Warren standing near the doors. He looked at me and waved. "Daniel." He called out. I nodded toward him. "Where's Max?" I asked. "Still talking to Principal Wells. She told me she'd meet me out here when she was done." He said. "God, what a messed up day it's been." He said.

Oh, you're right about that.

"No shit, man." I told him. He placed his hands on his waist. "It's a good thing Max brought her down. I don't think I could live with myself if Kate jumped. Knowing I watched the video." He said. "Yo, brah. You did?" I said to him. He looked at me with great regret. "It's not like I'm not happy about it." He said quietly. He crossed his arms. "I hope Kate gets better." He said as looked at me.

He looked at my skateboard. "Do you carry that all around?" He asked. "Basically." I said with a shrug. Warren smiled. "Could you show me how to do an ollie?" He asked. "An ollie? Come on man, that's it?" I said. "Ummm... Max told me earlier about a... tre flip?" He said. "There we go." I said. I took a few steps back. I showed Warren how to a successful tre flip.

Warren clapped his hands together. "My turn." He said. "Don't fuck up, man." I said. "Don't worry. I'm a skateboarding wizard." He said. I shoved my hands in my pockets. "Of course you are." I said. Warren pushed with his right foot. He wobbled a little bit before getting started. He jumped with the skateboard. And of course, he fucked it up and the nose of the board flew into his balls.

"Ahhh!" Warren shouted as he fell to the ground holding onto his balls.

I was tipping over with laughter. I heard laughing behind me. I looked over my shoulder and seen Max laughing at Warren. He was rolling back and forth, holding his balls. "Are you okay there, Warren?" Max asked between laughs. "Ugh, I can feel it in my whole chest!" Warren told us. Making us laugh even harder. "I honestly knew you'd fuck it up." I told him. "Here, Daniel." Max said, sliding my skateboard over with her foot. I stepped on the nose, sending it up.

Warren stood up, still bent over from the pain. Warren looked at me and spread his arms. "Like I said. Skateboarding wizard." He said.

The sun made the sky yellow as it dipped over the ocean. Warren and Max sat beside each other.

"I couldn't even believe it was even happening." Max said to us. "It was literally slow motion as I grabbed her hand... and then I could feel her grabbing mine..." Warren looked at her. "Max, that was the greatest thing I've ever seen. Ever. You reached out, she reached out..." Warren said. "Hugs, tears, applause... Like a superhero!"

Max shook her head. "Not quite. Look at me, I'm a mess." Warren smiled. "You're glowing. Seriously. A human halo. I'm pretty sure you earned your wings today." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. Looking into the ocean.

"I'm honestly still shaking up by the whole thing." I said. "Me too." Max agreed.

"I'm still worried about Kate. She did try to kill herself. All over a video..." Warren nodded. "Viral" is the right word. Like a disease." Max looked at him. A slight glare on her face. "So you watched it." Warren looked nervous. "Just one—and a half times." He said. "Damn man, I thought you were kidding." I said. He shrugged. "Like I said. I'm not proud of it. Especially now after what Kate almost did." He said.

"Guys, I don't mean to sound weird, but there's something ominous going on at Blackwell..." Max said. "Today proves that." Warren said. "And I'm working on proof that Kate Marsh is connected to Rachel Amber... somehow." Max said to us. "Along with Nathan and Mr. Madsen." Warren lifted his shoulders. "I'm not a big conspiracy guy, but I wouldn't doubt it." He said.

"Nathan did scare me yesterday and Madsen is a straight-up dickhead. So... what do you think is really happening?" He asked. I noticed it got a lot more darker in just a few seconds. Max seemed to notice it too.

"What the hell is this..." She questioned. We all saw that the moon was starting to cover the sun. "The weather confirms this weird day. Feel that chill..." Max said. Warren leaned forward. "Guys, there was no eclipse scheduled today... I would know. I would."

Max let out a shaky breath and hugged herself. Warren looked at her and scooted closer. Wrapping his arms around her. "I believe you, Warren..." Max said to him.

"I'll believe anything this week..."

Play Mt. Washington by Local Natives found at the top of the page. Wait for the lyrics to start for the full experience.

Face stained in the ceiling
Why does it keep saying,
I don't have to see you right now
I don't have to see you right now

Digging like you can bury
Something that cannot die
Or we could wash the dirt off our hands now
Keep it from living underground

Lazy summer goddess
You can tell our whole empire
I don't have to see you right now
I don't have to see you right now

I don't have to see you right now
I don't have to see you right now
I don't have to see you right now
I don't have to see you right now

End of Episode 2

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