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"Skater boy! Wake up!" Chloe's voice called from the front. I slowly opened my eyes. "Welcome home, man." Chloe said as she looked at me through the rear view mirror.

Chicago. We're finally here.

"You should probably let your mom know we're on our way." Max said. "Oh shit, she's probably all freaked out!" I said and quickly pulled out my phone.

Fuck. Thirty missed calls. Seventy-eight texts.

I quickly called my mom. It took a few seconds for her to answer. But she finally did. "Daniel? Oh my God, are you okay? I heard about storm hitting Arcadia Bay and I tried contacting you and—"

"Mom, it's okay... I'm fine." I told her. "I'm actually in Chicago right now."

"Are you? Please come home. I want to see you." She said. "I want to see you too, mom. A friend of mine actually drove me."

"Well please hurry. Oh, Daniel. I was so worried." She said. "Everything is fine, mom. I'm okay. I'll see you in a bit." I told her. Once we said bye, I hung up and sighed.

"She seems like she cares a lot about you..." Max said. "Yeah, she does." I said.

"You know, I never really intended to tell anyone about my dad." I said. Max frowned at me. "That's probably not easy on Emily." She said. I shook my head. "But... telling you guys helped. It helped a lot." I said. "I thought I was alone with the whole dad thing." Chloe said. "But it turns out that I wasn't. I'm glad you told us too, Daniel. It helped me a lot..." She said.

I was glad that I was able to help Chloe with that story. It shows her that she's not alone and that Max and I will always be there for her.

After a few more minutes of driving, we turned down my street.

"Right here." I said. Chloe pulled into the driveway. "You coming?" I asked. "I'd love to meet Emily." Max said. "Hella yes! You expect us to just bail after all we been through? Lead the way, skater boy." Chloe said. I grabbed my skateboard and exited the truck. The door quickly opened and there she was.

My mother.

Emily Connors.

She quickly walked to me and wrapped me into her arms. Max and Chloe smiled at their reunion. They smiled at each other and looked back at Daniel and Emily.

After our hug, mom cupped my face in her hands. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asked. I gently lowered her hands and smiled. "I'm fine mom. I promise you that." I assured her. "Good." She said.

She looked toward Max and Chloe. "Are these your friends?" She asked. "Yes they are... this is Max and Chloe." I said. "Hi." Max greeted with a soft smile. "Yo." Chloe said. "Thank you so much for bringing Daniel back. I was so worried, I... I'm just so glad to have my son back."

"No problem, Ms. Connors." Max said. "Emily is just fine, dear." Mom told her.

"Why don't you girls come inside? I made dinner?" Mom said. "Thank you so much, Emily. But we should probably head out soon. We have a long way to Seattle." Max said. "Yeah, sorry man." Chloe added. "Of course. If you're ever in the area, don't be a stranger." Mom said. Max smiled. "We won't." She said. Mom smiled at them. "It was nice to meet you. Daniel, I'll see you inside." She said. I nodded at her and she walked back to our house.

I looked back at Max and Chloe. "So... helluva ride, huh?" I said. "You said it man." Chloe said. "Anyway, we should probably get outta here." She added. "It was nice to finally meet Emily." Max said. "She seems cool. You're lucky to have her as a mom." Chloe said. "Trust me, she can get a bit clingy. But for what it's worth, I love her."

I looked at Chloe. "Well... thanks for the ride, Chloe." I said, holding my hand out to her for a handshake.

Chloe looked down at my hand. "What is that?" She said, gesturing to my hand as she looked back up. "Nu-uh, skater boy! Come here!" Chloe said as both she and Max held out their arms. "Aw fuck..." I said as they wrapped their arms around me. There was no getting out of it. So I hugged them back.

"Come visit us sometime, okay?" Max said as we parted. "Yeah, don't think we'll let you hide from us forever. I'll track you down if I have to." Chloe said. "I'll be ready." I told her. "Is that a challenge?" Chloe asked as she grinned and arched an eyebrow. "I'll let you figure that one out." I told her. "You'll wish you never said that, Daniel. I never forget!" She said as she and Max backed toward her truck.

"I'll be waiting." I told her. "It's so on! See you around, skater boy!" Chloe said. "Bye Daniel." Max added as she waved. I saluted to them and walked back to the house. Not gonna lie.

I'll miss those two.

And that's the epilogue. As stated last chapter, I hope you enjoyed this story. Now, the special announcement. There will be a sequel to The Girl Who Rewinds Time. And that is Life After Arcadia [Life is Strange]. It will be a Pricefield story that tells the tale of Max and Chloe's life after the events of this book.

And if you can, keep this book in your reading lists/libraries because I will post an update when Life After Arcadia [Life is Strange] is available to read!

Stay hella awesome!

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