Chapter 22: The Drug Dealer's RV

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"Listen, when I went through David's laptop, I found pictures of Rachel and Frank..." Max said to us. "Being more than friends." She added.

"Nice try Max." I said.

"Right. No way, Max." Chloe said. "She was just posing to tease Frank." She added. "Yeah. Rachel teased a lot of guys like that." I said. "If you guys aren't going to believe me, why don't we check out what Frank has in his RV?" Chloe lifted her shoulders. "What's that gonna prove?" She said. "Frank has Rachel's bracelet. What else does he have in there?" Max questioned. "Motherfucker better not have anything. For his sake." Chloe aggressively said.

Chloe pulled into the parking lot of Two Whales. She looked at Max.

"Let's check the door. Frank gets so wasted he sometimes forgets to lock it." Chloe told us. We left her truck and walked to Franks RV. "I can't believe you hung out with him." Max said to Chloe. "Not anymore." Chloe told her. "We have to be casual ninjas here..." Chloe added. Suddenly, barks emerged from inside the RV. "Shitballs. Okay, here's the plan." Chloe said. She turned to us.

"I'll go to the diner and distract Frank by telling him I have his money, but he needs to come with me. Then you come in and rewind so Frank doesn't see me, then you can tell Frank he needs to check out his RV and then you rewind after you get the key, and..."

Okay. This clearly isn't going anywhere.

"Chloe, I got this. I'll be right back." Max said. "Don't let my epic plan get in the way of yours." Chloe said to Max. "Skater boy and I'll try to scrounge up a Scooby snack to distract his mangy mutt..." Chloe hit my shoulder with her palm and said, "Don't just stand there, help me."

"Where're we gonna find a "Scooby snack" around here?" I said.

"I don't know... the ground?" Chloe told me.

She began digging through a trash bin. "What the hell is this? Gross..." Chloe said. "Why you lookin' through there then?" I asked her. She gave me a death glare before looking through it again.

"So Frank has a dog?" I asked. "You never knew?" She said. "Chloe, come on. I never met the guy until the junkyard." I said. "Oh yeah, when Max almost shot him." Chloe said with an amused grin. "Yeah, that day." I said. "Yes. Frank has a dog. Now start looking." She said. I turned and walked through the parking lot. Looking for something we could use to distract Franks dog.

After a few minutes of looking, Chloe said, "Yes! Finally!" I looked over at her. "That mutt will definitely chew on this for the time being." She said. Holding a bone. "Where the hell'd you find that?" I asked. "Magicians don't reveal their secrets, skater boy." I shrugged. "Respect." I said. "Where the hell is Max? She should've been out here by now." Chloe said impatiently. "Want me to go check?" I asked. "Yes, please do!" Chloe told me. Just as I was about to walk in the diner, Max showed up with the keys.

Chloe smiled smugly. "I should have known. The Amazing SpiderMax." Chloe said. Max gave the keys to her. "I couldn't have done it without Frank. Now let's get in and out." She said. Before Chloe opened the door, she handed the bone to Max. "You'll need this Max!" She said. "You should stand over there, Daniel." Max pointed behind Chloe. I did as told and stood behind Chloe.

"On your mark, get set... throw!" Chloe said and quickly opened the door.

A dog with gold colored fur jumped out. "Get the treat treat, boy!" Max said to the dog. The bone flew to the back of the parking lot. The dog ran over to the bone and chewed on it.

"I think we just made that dog our bitch... get it?" Chloe said. "Now I can snoop in peace. But let's not waste time." Max said. "Should I stay out here or..." I questioned them. "Up to you." Chloe said. I looked at the dog violently shaking the bone. "I'm going with you." I told them.

The RV was a complete mess. "Damn, and I thought my room was a shithole." Chloe said. "You're not a creepy drug dealer." Max told her. "Frank has issues, but he's not creepy..." Chloe assured. "At least I didn't think so until I saw him with Rachel's bracelet." She added.

Chloe sat down in the drivers seat. Placing her hands on the wheel. "Oh, we could cruise everywhere in this bad boy." She said with a bright smile. "Can you see us heading down the coast to Big Sur and beyond?" Chloe said over her shoulder. "Yes, we'd be tearing up the highway. And you'd probably want me to kiss you again..." Max said.

"Chloe, we're on a schedule. We need clues about Rachel." She told Chloe. "I know. Just daydreaming." Chloe said and stood up. "You scope the area while I hack his computer for info." Chloe told us.

As I looked around, Chloe said, "Crappy wi-fi out here. Must take him days to download porn." "Yuck." Max said. I let out a chuckle.

I saw a poster of two women kissing each other. I must have been staring at it because after a few seconds, Chloe said, "Maybe we'll stop by and buy you a copy of that poster." I looked at her. "What? No way." I told her. "Hang it on your wall at Blackwell." She added. "Thanks but no thanks." I said. "But that does have an appeal to it." I added.

After a few minutes, Max came out the back of the RV. She placed something in front of Chloe. I looked at what it was.

Pictures of Rachel and... Frank? Oh shit...

"It makes me ill that Rachel posed like this for Frank... or wrote him love letters..." Chloe said.

Fuck. Max was telling the truth. And we wrote her off about it. Damn, I feel sick.

"I can't believe she was banging Frank! Rachel straight up lied to my face!" Chloe said. She was starting to get scary. "Why didn't she say anything?"

"Because she knew how you would react." Max told her. "Then she wasn't much of a friend, huh? Just another person who shits all over me." Chloe said.

She clenched her fists. "Why does everybody in my life let me down?" She questioned. "My dad gets killed, you bail on me for years, my mother glams onto step-fucker..." Chloe listed. "Now Rachel betrays me..." She added. "Chloe, Rachel is missing. Nobody betrayed you." Max told her. I looked at Max. Then back at Chloe. "Bullshit, who hasn't?! Fuck everybody!" Chloe said.

She quickly stood up and left. Hitting her shoulder against mine as she left. "Chloe!" Max shouted after her.

"Shit." I said as we followed her. "Don't start, Daniel!" Max demanded.

We followed her out the RV. Chloe looked at the keys in her hand. She clenched them tightly in her hand and tossed them onto a roof. We followed her to her truck. Chloe violently ripped open her door and slammed it shut. Once Max and I were in her truck, without warning, Chloe stomped on the reverse pedal and backed up. She then sped off down the road.

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