Chapter 29: The Seperation

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David looked over his shoulder at us.

"You won this battle, Max." He said. "You broke up my family." He looked at her and nodded. "I salute you."

"David, I didn't try to hurt you. Ever." Max told him. "But I won't let anybody hurt Chloe."

"Too late, isn't it? You just better be damn careful with her. Don't you wander off into the dark..." David turned to the door and walked out of the house.

"Come on. Let's go to the garage." Max said to me. I followed her around the corner and entered the garage. "It looks like David finished his car repairs." Max said. "Maybe there's some new clues around."

"Only one way to find out." I said to her.

Max looked at me. "So we made up with Chloe?" She asked. I narrowed my eyes. "Yeah? Bro, don't you remember anything we did yesterday?" I asked her. "We hung out, walked around Arcadia Bay for a bit, went to Two Whales."

"Yeah. It's all coming back now. I just... never mind. Let's just get this done." Max said. I watched as she snooped around the garage. I shrugged it off and helped look around. I looked at a locker that was inside the garage.

"There's definitely something in that." I said, pointing toward it. Max raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. But how do we get inside?" She walked up to it and examined it.

"Whoa, that is a serious padlock on that locker." She said. I took it in hand and looked at it. "Needs four digits." I said. Max sighed and looked around the room. "Literally anything could be a code." She said. "We could always just bust it open..." I said. "With what?" She asked.

"Well, maybe there's—"

Max's eyes suddenly widened. She smiled widely and said, "Awww, look at the baby blue jay eggs in the nest!"

I looked at where she was pointing. "How the hell'd that get here?" I said. "Who cares?" She said. "I need this picture, Daniel." She carefully moved the plank out of the way. She raised her camera and "took the shot" as Mr. Jefferson would say.

Once she was done, she put the plank back. Still smiling widely. "Okay. Where were we?" She said. "We were trying to find a way into this locker." I reminded her. "Actually, I do know a way we could get in there." She said. "How?" I asked her. "Go get that crowbar over there." She pointed over my shoulder. I saw a red crowbar sitting on the table.

"Do the honors." I said, handing her the crowbar. After a few pulls, Max successfully pulled the locker open and pulled out a blue file. She opened it and her eyes widen. "Maps, notes, coordinates, photos of Kate and Nathan... Yes!" I smiled and nodded. "Good. Let's get back to Chloe." I said as I followed her out the garage.

"Wait, I need to do something." Max said. "Do what?" I asked her.


"Do the honors." I said, handing her the crowbar. Max lowered the crowbar in my hand. "No need, we got what we came for." She said. "What? How?" I questioned her. Max grinned and said, "We just did." I shrugged. "If you say so. Let's get back to Chloe." I said as we walked out of the garage.

We stopped at the stairs. Max shouted, "Yo, Chloe, are you ready yet? We have to get back to our dorms!" As Chloe walked down, she said, "Are we happy?" Max smiled delightfully. "Very happy. We hit the secret file jackpot. Kate, Nathan... and Rachel. Plus some location coordinates. David is, like, a one-man surveillance army." Max looked at me and Chloe. "Now let's get the hell out of here, before we get busted. But I absolutely have to go see Kate in the hospital right now. I want to find out how she's doing." Max said as she left the door open for Chloe and I.

"I'll drive you guys there." Chloe said. "Actually, I'll just head back to Blackwell." I told Chloe. "You're not coming to see Kate? I'm sure she'd be happy to see you." Max said with a clear hint of disappointment in her face.

I shook my head. "Nah. Kate and I were never really... that close anyway." I told Max. She nodded sadly. "Okay. Well, see you later, Daniel..." She said. "Later skater boy." Chloe said, holding out her fist. I bumped her fist and we went our separate ways.

I sprinted forward and started skating down the sidewalk toward Blackwell.

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