Chapter 3: Campus Grounds

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I saw David walk up to the blue-haired girl. With everyone talking I couldn't tell what they were saying. David pointed at the parking lot with an aggressive finger. She uncrossed her arms and flipped him off with both hands and turned to the parking lot.

Even over the talking, I heard David shout, "Chloe!" The supposed Chloe just walked to the parking lot with a quick pace. Why does that name sound so familiar? David placed his hands over his belt and started to pace. Okay, so her name was Chloe. But why was she here? And why was she with Nathan? But most importantly, why is she so familiar?

But hey. School's out for now. Fuck the 'no skating policy'. I've dealt with David before. He's just got a shitty attitude and dragon breath. I dashed forward, dropped my skateboard, and jumped onto it. People around Blackwell think I like to show off on my skateboard. And honestly, they're not wrong. I do tend to get a little cocky sometimes.


Ah shit...

I skidded to a stop. Stepped on the kicktail, sending it up, and grabbed it. David marched over to me with his hands over his belt. "I heard you talking to Principal Wells, soldier. And he directly told you about the 'no skating policy', did he not?!"

But hey. School's out for now. Fuck the 'no skating policy'. I've dealt with David before. He's just got a shitty attitude and dragon breath.

Just as I was about to skate, I felt a hand press against my shoulder. I looked and saw that Max had stopped me. She said, "You're going to get caught by Mr. Madsen." "How do you know that?" I asked. Max pointed at David. "He's just over there. You know how he gets..." I nodded at her. "Cool. Thanks for looking out." I said to her. She nodded. "No problem." She said.

I leaned down and grabbed my skateboard.

"So how long have you been here?" Max asked me. I told her, "For three years. I met Justin and Trevor here a while back." Max smiled. "I kinda just got here." She said. "Haven't really made much friends yet. I mean, there's Kate and Warren. But no one else, really." Max said. "Well, I guess I'm talking to you right now, so..." She said.

"Look, as long as you can name a trick on the board, we're cool." I said. "Okay, let me think..." Max said. She thought for a minute before saying, "Ummm... jump?" I sighed and shook my head. "Bro, you're such a poser. If a noseslide or even a tre flip didn't come to mind, just keep walking." I told her.

And as expected, Max's tracks came to a halt and I left her behind.

Max watched as Daniel kept walking. A grin formed on her face and she raised her right hand and watched as Daniel stepped backwards to her side again.

"Look, as long as you can name a trick on the board, we're cool." I said. "Okay, let me think..." Max said. "I remember the noseslide. Tre flip also comes to mind." She said. "Damn. And here I was thinking you were a poser. Pretty rad, Max." I said. "You used to skate?" I asked her. "No. But my friend used to." Max told me. "She broke her wrist once doing it."

"Word. That's hardcore." I said. "Anyway, I should probably get going. Warren will kill me if I don't get him his flash drive." Max said. "Nah bro, he's totally obsessed with you man." I told her. "Shut up." Max said, lightly hitting my arm.


It was a complete shitshow when I got to the boys' dorm. And crowded. I had to push my way through. "Hey! Watch it, skater fag!" Someone said.

Fuck you too.

Room 119. My dorm room. I turned the handle and entered. Welcome to my dorm room. Decorated with a few posters, a shelf with my collection of blu-rays, my laptop, my bed with black blankets, my desk, my black leather chair in the corner, a shelf to hold my skateboard, and plenty of other stuff that's not important.

I dropped my skateboard on the floor and fell onto my bed.

Today has been pretty fucked. Who was that girl? Why was she in the girls' washroom with Nathan Prescott. I know he sells drugs around the school. Maybe she was buying off of him? I don't know man. Then the school alarm. Wonder what the hell that was all about? I just need to relax.

I sat up and took out my phone. Honestly, that was pretty cool of Max to tell me about David. I pulled up my messages and texted her. Max and I were partners for a photography assignment in Mr. Jefferson's class which required us to have each other's numbers.

D- sup thanks again for warning me about David. that was pretty cool of you
M- No need. Just looking out for a fellow classmate :)
D- RAD!! whatcha up to?
M- I'm actually just headed out to meet Warren to return his flash drive.

Warren Graham. Like Brooke, Warren is a straight A nerd. He likes old school movies. Mainly the Planet of the Apes movies. I've only seen the reboot film, Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Dude hates me for liking that over the originals. It's pretty fun to piss him off with that.

D- kool see you in class tomorrow
M- Cool.

Max actually isn't so bad. And she's not a poser. I hooked up my phone to my stereo and listened to some music. Just lay back, and listen.

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