Chapter 27: Ending the Pain

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I started to wake up from my sleep. My fist held my head up all night.

"Morning, Daniel." Chloe greeted. "Hey Chloe." I said back. "Sleep good?" She asked. "Slept alright." I told her. "Dude, you fell asleep before we did." She said. "Yeah. I was pretty tired yesterday." I told her.

Max lifted her head off of her arm which was leaning against Chloe's bed and looked at Chloe.

"I cannot believe you and Daniel fell asleep so fast. How dare you." Max said to us. "I know you were beat down after the day with me. And Blade Runner is a pretty dreamy movie to watch at night." Chloe said. "Uh, do you think Deckard is a replicant?" She asked.

Max looked at her with tired morning eyes.

"Sorry, I can see you're not wide awake like me." Chloe said. "No, I'm sorry I crashed so hard. Were you... okay?" Max asked her. "I do have a mother and father when you're not falling asleep on me." Chloe said. "You are a bitch in the morning." Max said. "It's the company I keep..." Chloe replied.

Chloe leaned her head back and sighed happily. "Yesterday was such a blast." She said. "It was great, seeing you." Max said. "Yeah. It was cool." I added. "I know things were different when we were just dorky kids, but being with you made me feel like when we were little pirates, jumping and running through the forests again." Chloe said. "It meant a lot to me just to chill out with you and bullshit."

Chloe shut her eyes tightly. "Ahh... Fuck... Uh, I'm getting my regular head pains... Uh, can you pretty please go upstairs and get my—my morphine injector in the bathroom?" Chloe asked.

"Morphine injector?" Max questioned.

"It's—ahh. It's total Star Trek shit. You can't even see the needle. Seriously, I need it." Chloe said. "Um, my parents keep the swag upstairs because they think I can't get to it... but you can, Max. Like a pirate, right?"

"I'm on it, Chloe." Max said.

"Need any help?" I asked. "No, I got it." Max assured, pressing her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and turned to Chloe. "So. What's the whole pirate deal?" I asked. Chloe smiled and laughed. "It's... all pretty stupid to be honest." She said.

"When, Max and I were kids, we wanted to be pirates. We would dress up as them every Halloween." She said. "Max was to shy to say it, but each time we went to a house, our catchphrase was "Arrr! Gimme y'er candy" like I said. Pretty stupid." I chuckled. "Seems like you had a lot of fun." I said. "We did. We were going to take over the world." She said back. "I really miss those days. Especially with my... condition." I nodded sympathetically.

It's difficult to not feel bad for her. With the way she is right now, to the point where she can't even move, really sucks.

"What about you, Daniel? What was your childhood like?" She asked me.

"Well... I really wanted to try skateboarding. I wasn't very good at it. Then I just kinda stopped." I said. "Why?" Chloe asked me. "I'm honestly not sure. It was just something I kinda gave up on." I said. Chloe gave me a nod. She looked at me and opened her mouth like she as about to saying something. But she closed her eyes and looked away.

"Something on your mind?" I asked her.

"Daniel... how long have you and Max been together for?" She asked. "Uhhh... for six months I think." Chloe nodded again. "What was she like before?" She asked softly. "Well, she was quiet. Kept to herself a lot." I told her. "We started talking one day and things led to another. Here we are." I said. "Oh. That's... That's nice." Chloe said. "You... okay?" I asked.

Chloe looked at me. "Is it okay... if I say this?" She said. "Whatever it is, go for it. Better to just get it out there." I told her.

"Well. I... kinda had... feelings for Max when we were younger. Get what I mean?" She said.

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