Chapter 16: Late Nights at Blackwell

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Episode 3: Chaos Theory

My phone vibrated loudly. Waking me up from my sleep. I looked at the time and saw a thread of texts from Chloe.

C- skater boy wakeup!
C- dude!
C- if you don't wake up, me and max are gonna storm in there and drag your ass out!

What the hell is their plan? What are they doing?

D- dam bro, can't a guy sleep? ya got me swing by soon.
C- don't you fall asleep on us I'm not lying when I say we'll drag your ass out

And I don't doubt that. Chloe was never afraid to take risks. And I'm sure that hasn't changed about her.

C- and make sure your door is open.
D- K

I turned on the lights and sat up. Stretching my arms out. They'll probably be over soon. I need to hurry up and change. I lazily put on a white t-shirt, slid on a blue hoodie, zipped it halfway up, dark blue jeans, and my DC branded shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror and ran my fingers through my hair. But it didn't look as good as it usually does after a shower.

What's the idea? What is Max doing with Chloe this late? And why do I need to go with them? Whatever. I'm up. Dressed. Might as well just go hang out with them. Here's hoping nothing bad happens. I've had enough of that stuff after today. Learned that Max has powers. Chloe almost gets hit by a train. The shit with Nathan and Bitchtoria. And now Kate's in the hospital. Too much has happened today.

The door suddenly opened, startling me. In walked Chloe and Max. Chloe saw my freaked out expression and smirked. She said, "Relax, skater boy. It's just us." "Hey, Daniel." Max greeted. Chloe slowly walked around my room. Observing my posters and blu-rays.

"So, what's going on?" I asked. Chloe sat in my black leather chair and placed her hands behind her head and stretched her legs out. Crossing her ankles.

"Blackwell has some secrets. No doubt about that." She said. "But two people in particular have our interest." Chloe said with a smug smile. "In other words, we're looking into the connections between Rachel and Kate." Max told me. "So you were serious about that." I said. "Okay, now that he knows, lets get it on." Chloe said as she stood up. "Slow down there." Max said as she followed her out of the room.

Shit. No going back now.

I grabbed my skateboard and turned off the light and followed them out. Closing my door.

Reaching the front of Blackwell, I skated ahead of Chloe and Max and jumped. The board flipping under me. I successfully landed on the board and skated around the fountain. I skated back to them and skidded to a stop near them.

"You obviously said the right thing... And your badass power is going to save us all." Chloe said to Max. "We just need to connect the players."

"And find out who almost killed Kate. We have to stop this from happening to anybody else." Max said. "Oh yeah, and somehow stop that tornado from wiping out Arcadia Bay... right?" Chloe said. "Didn't you say it was all about "Chaos Theory"?" Max asked her and shrugged. "I don't see any control over this chaos..." She said. Chloe raised an eyebrow. "Oh right, except for your ability to, oh yeah, manipulate time and space. No biggie." She said.

Max sighed. "Chloe, I just feel weird about some of my decisions." She said. "Especially after I just got your step-bully suspended..." I looked at her. "Holy shit. David's gone? Thank fucking god, man. Maybe without that asshole, I can finally skate around." I said. "Dude, do not even torture yourself like that. Let's focus on looking for clues, okay?" Chloe said. Max nodded.

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