Chapter 48: Always With You

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Thunder roared as we fell down. Max had finally woken up.

But the tornado was now near Arcadia Bay. There won't be anything left in the morning. I stood up and placed my hands on my knees. Gasping for air.

"Max? Max, can you hear me? Please, say something." Chloe told her. "Chloe? Daniel?" Max questioned. "I... I must have passed out... Sorry."

"Are you good now, Max?" I asked her. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure..." She replied.

"Oh, thank God... Don't you ever do that again, okay?" Chloe said and slowly stood up. "I swear... but that nightmare was so real... was so horrible..." Max said. Chloe helped Max to her feet. Max looked out to the tornado. In just a few minutes, the tornado would collide with Arcadia Bay. Destroying everything that stood in its way. And killing everyone in its path.

"This is my storm." Max said. "I caused this... I caused all of this. I changed fate and destiny so much that... I actually did alter the course of everything." She gestured toward the tornado. "And all I really created was just death and destruction!"

Chloe scowled and shook her head. She placed her hand on Max's shoulder and told her, "Fuck all of that, okay? You were given a power. You didn't ask for it... and you saved me and Daniel. Which had to happen, all of this did... except what happened to Rachel." Max listened as Chloe continued. "But without your power, we wouldn't have found her! Okay, so you're not the goddamn Time Master, but you're Maxine Caulfield... and you're amazing." Max looked back at the storm. She looked back at Chloe.

"Max, this is the only way." Chloe said.

She pulled out a photo with a blue butterfly on it.

The hell? Where did that come from?

"I feel like I took this shot a thousand years ago." Max said. After a few moments, Chloe said, "You... You could use that photo to change everything right back to when you took that picture..."

Is that the moment Nathan shot Chloe?

"All that would take is for me to... to..." Chloe cupped her hands to her face.

"Fuck that!" Max said. "No... no way! You are my number one priority now. You and Daniel are all that matters to me." Chloe and Max both looked at me. All I could do was look back. I sighed and looked at the ground. I don't want this. I really don't. Rachel died. Chloe can't die as well.

"I know. You proved that over and over again... even though Daniel deserves it... I don't deserve it." Chloe said. "I'm so selfish... not like my mom... Look what she had to give and live through... and she did." Chloe looked at Max. "She deserves so much more than to be killed by a storm in a fucking diner." Chloe sniffed and wiped and wiped at her eyes. "Even my step... father deserves her alive. There's so many more people in Arcadia Bay who should live... way more than me..."

Max shook her head. "Don't say that... I won't trade you." She said. "You're not trading me." Chloe assured her. "Maybe you've just been delaying my real destiny... Look at how many times I've almost died or actually died around you. Look at what's happening in Arcadia Bay ever since you first saved me."

Max looked tearfully away from Chloe. "I know I've been selfish, but for once—" Chloe said, turning Max to face her. "I think I should accept my fate... our fate..." A tear rolled down my face. I quickly wiped it away so they wouldn't see it.

"Chloe..." Max said, tears burning in her eyes.

"Max, you finally came back to me this week, and... you did nothing but show me your love and friendship. You even reunited me with Daniel." Chloe said. "You made me smile and laugh, like I haven't done in years." Chloe said, not being able to contain her emotions inside of her.

Chloe gripped Max's shoulders. "Wherever I end up after this... in whatever reality... all those moments between us were real, and they'll always be ours. No matter what you choose, I know you'll make the right decision."

"Chloe... I can't make this choice..." Max cried. "No, Max..." Chloe told her.

"You're the only one who can."

Max's eyes darted at mine over Chloe's shoulder. I looked back at her. Which is all I could do. Chloe was our best friend. We can't lose her now. But if her death will prevent all this... the ultimate decision is to go back to that day.

Max looked back at Chloe. "Max... it's time..." Chloe told her. Max eyed at Chloe. Then at me again. She turned to the storm and ripped the photo in half.

"Not anymore."

She let the pieces fly away in the wind. We all watched as the photo blew off into the storm. Chloe slowly approached her. "Max... I'll always be with you." She said. "Forever..." Max finished.

Play Obstacles by Syd Matters found at the top of the page. Wait for the lyrics to start for the full experience.

Let's say sunshine for everyone

The storm was entering Arcadia Bay. They watched as it started to sweep up debris.

But as far as I can remember

Chloe gripped Max's hand and held it tightly. Daniel stood a few feet away from them. Separating himself from them.

We've been migratory animals
Living under changing weather

The tornado had officially entered Arcadia Bay. It swept up whole buildings and debris.

Someday we will foresee obstacles
Through the blizzard, through the blizzard

The tornado was destroying everything in its path. Taking lives of innocent people who didn't ask for this.

Today we will sell our uniform

Max turned to Chloe and buried her head into her shoulder. Chloe wrapped her arm around Max.

Live together, live together.

Max's hand slowly laid onto Chloe's shoulder. Daniel looked at the two as the storm continued to destroy Arcadia Bay. He looked back at the storm and watched as it destroyed everything.

(Fades out on Chloe and Max)

(Cuts to the morning. Arcadia Bay is destroyed.)

We played hide and seek in waterfalls
We were younger, we were younger.

Chloe drove through the wrecked town. With Max and Daniel inside her truck with her.

We played hide and seek in waterfalls
We were younger, we were younger.

Max looked sadly upon the destruction of Arcadia Bay. All the lives that were lost the other night.

We played hide and seek in waterfalls
We were younger, we were younger.

Chloe came to a slow stop in the middle of the road.

We played hide and seek in waterfalls

She placed her hand on Max's shoulder and rubbed it gently.

We were younger, we were younger.

Max smiled softly at Chloe. She smiled back and her hand slowly slid down her arm.

Someday we will foresee obstacles

Chloe started her truck and continued driving. Leaving Arcadia Bay behind.

Through the blizzard, through the blizzard

And that's The Girl Who Rewinds Time. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Stick around for the epilogue that's coming this weekend... and a special announcement will be made at the end of the epilogue! Stay tuned!

Stay hella awesome!

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