Chapter 7: A New Morning

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Episode 2: Out of Time (My favorite episode. What's yours?)

I slowly woke up from my deep sleep. The morning sunlight seeping through my curtains. I sat up and stretched. My phone alarm started to go off. I grabbed my phone and stopped the alarm. I placed my feet on the floor and pushed myself up. The sunrise would make a great picture for Mr. Jefferson's class. Ah. Right. My camera. Forgot to mention I had it. What kinda student would I be if I took pictures on my phone in a photography class! Not to mention being in an art school.

I grabbed my camera and opened the curtains. Slightly wincing from the sunlight. I aimed my camera at the sun and took the picture. I remember Mr. Jefferson's saying is "Always take the shot." Well Mr. Jefferson. You're welcome. Time for a shower. I grabbed my shower supplies. Shampoo and soap. Also grabbed a can of axe and deodorant and left my dorm room.

I opened the door to, "Whoa! Heads up!" A voice spoke quickly. A football whizzed passed my face. "Better watch it, brah!" Logan said as he dashed passed me and grabbed the football. Aside from pushing around the other Daniel, Logan plays for Blackwells football team, Blackwell Bigfoots. I fucking hate that name.

I entered the boys' showers. Moisture from previous showers covered the mirrors. One spelling fuck boy. The other saying KATE MARSH IS A SLUT. I just shrugged it off and got into a shower.

After my shower, I rubbed my deodorant under my armpits and used my axe spray. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed.

Aw man. What's going to happen today? After the snow, what next? For all I know, a tornado could destroy the town. Meh, that's just me being dramatic. Also, where the hell did Max go yesterday? Actually, why did I even step in? Like Principal Wells said. It was none of my business. It's just that I got to know Max better yesterday and she's actually pretty cool. But are we even friends? No, not really. I don't know man. I just hope I did the right thing here...

I gathered my stuff and opened the door. I walked down the hall to my room. I opened the door and entered my room. I tossed the shower supplies toward my bed and walked over to my clothes. I put on a standard grey t-shirt. Tan colored chino pants with the DC Shoes brand on them. And slipped on my high top shoes. Which also has the DC Shoes brand.

I looked in the mirror and ran my fingers through my hair to create that curved motion over my ears.

I grabbed my skateboard and headed out the door and walked out into the hallway. I walked to the stairwell doors and pushed them open. I walked down the spiral staircase to the doors.

It was the perfect morning for skating. But the dumbass 'no skating policy' won't allow it. Fucking Principal Wells. My phone suddenly vibrated in my pocket. It was a text from Warren.

W- Guess what? Max just agreed to "Go Ape" with me!

Go Ape? What the hell? I sure as shit hope he doesn't mean sex.

D- cool bro

Honestly, I don't care. I'm just happy Warren's day has been made. As he said yesterday, he really likes her.

As I got to the main campus, I walked passed David. Who was talking to Nathan. It seemed pretty heated. I earned an uneasy glance from both of them before David went back to talking to him. I sat on the steps near the bus stop and pulled out my phone. I looked at the rail beside me.

Yeah, I could grind this shit. But David is here so no can do.

I watched as a bus pulled up. Two people stepped out. I looked back down at my phone and opened Spotify. I plugged my earbuds into my phone, slipped them underneath my shirt and put them in my ears. I started some music and opened up a cheap ass game that's surprisingly fun.

During my game, someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up and saw Max awkwardly waving down at me. I took out my left earbud and nodded toward her. "Sup, Max?" I said. "Hey. What are you doing?" She asked as she sat beside me. "Just playing some dumb game." She nodded her head. "Wanna tag along?" "Where to?" I asked. "I'm meeting a friend at the Two Whales diner. Wondered if you wanted to come along." I shrugged. I didn't have anything else to do. "Yeah, I don't see why not." I said. Max smiled.

"Cool." She said.

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