Chapter 34: Some Old Prescott Barn

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Chloe slowly drove down the dirt path that led to the barn that we located. I watched as we passed a "No Trespassing" sign. We finally came to a stop in front of the barn.

"Holy shit, this is scary." Max said quietly as we walked on the property. "I know, but we're here. Let's go find the best way in." Chloe told her.

I slowly walked behind them. Sketching out the area, making sure nothing will jump out and kill us like Jason Voorhees or Texas Chainsaw.

Max crouched down in front of the barn. "Whoa, check this out. Fresh tire tracks." She pointed out. "Dude, somebody was just here." Chloe said, also crouching down. Max stood up. "Then we need to get in that barn..." She said. I tried pulling the doors open. Locked.

"Well shit. There goes that." I said. "That'd be too easy, man." Chloe said to me. "Yeah, I guess so." I said back. I observed our surroundings. Very shitty looking for a Prescott property. "Dude, what do we do?" Chloe asked me. "I could ask you the same thing." I said to her.

"Chloe! Daniel! I found the front door! Come on!" Max said.

"Where did she go?" I questioned. "Around the corner. Come on." Chloe said and walked to the corner of the barn.

Max and Chloe carefully entered the barn. I followed behind them.

"God, this is way too Blair Witch... I have goosebumps all over." Max said. "Come on, Super Max." Chloe told her. She looked down and nodded. "Hey, check out this old chest!" Chloe said to us. She kneeled down and opened it. Which made a lot of noise. "A little louder, Chloe." Max said. "What did you say Max? It was too loud." I added. "Shut up, Daniel." Chloe told me.

"Jeez, that is ancient." Max said as she looked inside this chest. Chloe shrugged. "Jackpot. Old shit." She said. Max shook her head. "No, look closer." Chloe reached inside. "Harry Aaron Prescott and family donate new library to Arcadia Bay"... "Prescott Industries celebrate grand opening"... "The Prescotts bring bomb shelter boom to town." Chloe listed.

"Nice scrapbook." Max said. "You search for more clues and I'll scope the area." Max finished and looked over at me. "Daniel, make sure no one sneaks up on us while we look." I nodded and walked to the doors. I cracked them open a tad bit. Just enough so I could look outside. "So, what do I do in case someone is coming?" I asked. "Holler and we'll bust our asses running." Chloe said. "Cool." I replied and kept watch.

I never thought I'd set foot into a Prescott property. It feels... odd. Life is... odd. Seriously. Just a few days ago, I was in Mr. Jefferson's class, barley friends—actually, not even friends with Max. Now, here we are. Quote on quote "partners in crime." Busting into Arcadia Bays most oldest and wealthiest family's properties. This isn't at all what I intended to be doing when I was accepted into Blackwell Academy.

After a few minutes, Max finally started talking to us. "Okay, guys, I found some kind of hatch, but it's locked. I got this... I hope."

"Let us know the second you need any help..." Chloe told her.

I examined the area around Max. My gaze followed the platforms and to where they led. "Yo, Max, you can use those platforms to get a better look from up there." I pointed. Max looked at the platforms and nodded. "Good idea. Chloe, can you give me a hand?" Chloe stood up and walked over to her.

"Sidekick at your service!" She said, putting her hands underneath Max's foot and boosted her up onto the platforms. "Up, up, and away, Super Max." Chloe said. Max smiled down at Chloe. "I dig having minions." She said. Now it was all Max from there. I looked out between the doors again. Just dreading the moment I see a pair of headlights driving down the road.

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