Chapter 36: The End of the World Party

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Chloe pulled into the Blackwell parking lot. The place where Warren and I fought Nathan a few days ago. She stopped and stared at Blackwell.

"I hope Nathan enjoys his last party." She said.

"Chloe, we can go right to the cops." Max said. "We have proof." Chloe looked at Max. "Fuck the police." She stated. "Rachel wanted us to find her. So we could get real justice..." Chloe looked back at Blackwell. "And revenge. The Prescotts have had this coming for a hundred years, and nobody is going to get in my way." Chloe looked at Max again. "Especially with your help... right?" Max gripped her shoulder.

"I'm with you to the end, Chloe. You know that." Max assured.

Chloe looked over at me. "You with us, Daniel?" She said. I looked toward the spot where I had traded fists with Nathan. I looked back and nodded.

"Yeah. I am." I said.

Chloe looked down and pulled out her revolver. She spun the cylinder and put it back in her jeans. She opened the door and stepped out of the truck. Max eyed at me nervously and exited the truck. I sighed and shook my head.


I stepped out of the truck and closed the door. "Oh, shit, this is like that eclipse." Someone said. "You're right. Look at the outline."

"What is that?" Max questioned. "Jesus. Chloe, Daniel, look up at the sky!" Max told us. We looked and there were two fucking moons. Chloe just shrugged. "Beautiful, I don't give a shit. The world is ending, cool." She said and walked towards the stairs. I followed her.

"You guys aren't listening! Something major is going down!" Max said behind us. Chloe turned to her. "That's right. Nathan Prescott is going down." Chloe turned back to the stairs and continued walking.

"Welcome to the end of the world, ladies and gentleman. I'm glad you decided to escort me..." A drunk Warren said. He placed his hand on Max's shoulder. Chloe looked annoyed. I was too. We didn't have time for this shit. Especially for a drunk fucking Warren.

"You look really good, Warren. Are you all right after today?" Max said to him. Chloe looked at me and gestured angrily to them. I sighed and crossed my arms. "I'm glad you stopped me... Nathan is dangerous." Warren said.

"Where is he?" Chloe demanded. Warren turned to her. "I didn't see him at the dorm again. I was holed up in my room." Warren said as he faced Max again. "Dude, have you been drinking?" Max asked him. "Well, if you consider half a beer "drinking"..." He said.

Chloe uncrossed her arms with a scowl on her face. "Let's go, guys." She said. "Hey, hey... I know this is a bad time, but can I get one picture?" Warren said. "I've been feeling this might be actually the end of the world, so..." He took out his camera and wrapped his arm around Max. "I want to have something for prosperity." He said. "Well... I don't blame you, Warren." Max said. Chloe and I waited impatiently.

"I know, I know, I'm a pain in the booty. Just one picture." He raised his camera. "Uh..." "Action." Max said and Warren took the picture. "We got no time for this shit. Come on, Max." Chloe said. I followed her down the path leading to the doors.

"I can't fucking believe this shit..." Chloe said. "Let's just find Nathan." I told her. "Oh, he's going to wish he was never fucking born when we do!" Chloe told me. She turned to me. Sticking her finger in my face.

"I swear Daniel! We're going to fucking kill him... for Rachel!"

"Listen, Chloe. We have to think. We can't just—"

"Fine! You can stick with Max. I'm going in!" Chloe said and stormed off into Blackwell. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck.

Fuck me.

I turned and saw Max still talking with Warren. I looked back and Chloe was already entering Blackwell. I ran to catch up to her.

Once I got in, Stella greeted me.

"Hey there, Daniel. Didn't know you partied." She said. "Oh, uh... yeah, every once and a while." I told her. She smiled and nodded. "Cool. Well, go right in. I'm sure Justin's probably looking for you." She said. "Awesome. Thanks." I told her and entered the party. Loud music blared from big speakers. A guy jumped off of the diving board and flipped in the air. Going head first into the pool.

I really hate this. I hate it! Now... where the hell did Chloe go?

I walked around the room, trying to find Chloe. I saw Brooke and the other Daniel chilling by the bar. Alyssa was standing by the pool. She's always standing by the weirdest places.

I suddenly felt a hand press against my shoulder. I felt it run along the back of my neck. Then Taylor showed up in front of me.

"Well... hello there, Daniel. Didn't expect to see you here tonight." She said.

"Oh... what's up, Taylor?" I greeted her. "So what's a guy like you doing here without any girls, hmmm?" She said. "Just uh... cruising." I told her. She giggled and stood closer to me. "Well... I can cruise if you'd like." She said.

She ran her fingers down my arm like the other day. "Come on. I promise it'll be fun." She said. She looked into my eyes. Smirking confidently. She wrapped her arms around my neck and closed her eyes. Leaning closer to my face.

She's actually about to kiss me!

I felt a grip wrap around my wrist and pull me away. "Sorry, Taylor. But Daniel's busy!" Max said and started pulling me away from Taylor. She stomped her foot on the floor. "Argh! Maaaax!" We heard behind us.

Once we evaded Taylor, I sighed with relief. "I can't thank you enough, Max." I said. "Was she going to kiss you?" I nodded. "Yeah... I think so." Max and I walked over to a wall. "Have you seen Chloe or Nathan anywhere?" Max asked. "No. I was looking for Chloe when Taylor started talking to me." I told her. "Well, I was asking everyone if they seen Nathan and they all said no. Then I saw you with Taylor and came to your rescue." "Thank you again... seriously." I said.

"Anyway. We should go find Chloe since Nathan isn't exactly around." Max said. "Agreed." I told her.

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