Chapter 28: The Punk and the Skater

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Original Timeline

Max's eye's slowly opened. She observed her surroundings and recognized it as Chloe's room. She looked over her shoulder and saw her blue-haired friend. A wide smile spread across her face.

"Chloe... you're back." Max said and dashed up to her. Wrapping her arms tightly around the punk.

"Whoa! Down, Max!" Chloe said. "You get one kiss and now you're all over me..." Max smiled happily at her. "I'm just... I'm just—I'm so glad you're here!" Max told her.

"Alright, Chloe... got those donuts you wanted." I said as I entered the room. "Joyce even gave them for half off, so here's that extra ten bucks!"

"Daniel!" Max said and ran over to me. Wrapping me in a hug.

"Whoa man! Hello to you too." I said to her. "You're here! Both of you!" Max said. Looking between me and Chloe. "Weee've been here all morning..." I said to her. "Since we were up all night playing "CSI: Arcadia Bay," I was still spaced out here, trying to put all this info together. So I sent skater boy to get us a little treat." Chloe said. "I could have just gotten some chips from downstairs?" I said to Chloe. Placing the donut box on her bed.

Chloe grabbed one and said, "Nah. Donuts are way better..." After taking a bite into her donut, Chloe looked at Max. "Max, did you forget we've gone over this?" She asked. "I hope you weren't messing around with time while we were sleeping..." Max shook her head. "Not anymore. I'm just spaced out, too." She said. I wiped myself down and sat down on Chloe's bed. I lied down and pulled out my phone.

That was weird. Either Max has short-term memory or she really was messing around with time over the night. Who knows where she ended up if she was.

"Let's look at the big board and see all our pieces in the puzzle so far." Max said as she stood to her feet. "Go ahead..." I lazily told her. Max looked at me and snatched my phone. "Dude." I said to her. She stuffed it into her pocket and walked up to the board. I sighed and stood up.

"Not cool." I said as I stood beside her. Running my hands through my hair. Max studied the objects we had so far. "So close, yet so far away..." Max said. She turned to Chloe. "We have to do three main things." Chloe turned to her. "Right... uh, what things?" She asked.

"One, decipher Frank's logbook." Max started. "Two, get Nathan's phone to find out where he's been during the Vortex Club parties with Kate and Rachel." She said next. "And see whatever hidden shit he's got in his messages."

"Three, beat step-douche down until he tells us about Frank, Nathan, and the "Dark Room"." Chloe said. "Can I punch him first?" I asked. "No way. I punch him first. And I do have a gun now..." She said. "Keep it in your pants." Max told her. "We'll have to do this on our own."

"Dude, at least let me and Daniel kick his ass, then rewind—Fine, whatevs, it's your power."

"Which I can't waste on shit like that. Or Blackwell would be in big trouble." Max said.

"At least you let me take that money to pay Frank off." Chloe said. Max sighed. "Don't remind me. I just want him off your back. Our back..." Chloe nodded. "I know. You should get busy in the garage to see what dirt you can dig up. Take skater boy with you..." Chloe said. "I'm going to cyberstalk some names and see where that leads... or to who." Chloe looked at us. "And be careful of step-crack. He's not going to be a happy camper after you reamed him yesterday, and Mom is giving him the boot..."

"I'm on it, partner. Let's go, Daniel." Max said and opened the door.

As we left the room, a blue bird flew by. "What the fuck was that!" I said, a little startled. "Oh no, that poor little bird has been trapped in here!" Max said.

"How'd it even get in?" I questioned.

"I walked into Joyce and David's room—"

"Yeah, I'll stop you right there. Don't need to hear something that I'll regret hearing." I told her. "Whatever. Come on, we have to get it out of here." Max said and walked to the bathroom. She turned on the light and walked to the shower. I just waited outside.

The bird flew out the room and landed on the railing by the stairs. I swiped at it and it flew to to the bookshelf by Joyce's room.

"You should open that window. So the bird doesn't kill itself again." Max said. "Again?" I questioned. "I was going to tell you what happened, but you cut me off." She said. I shrugged and opened the window. Max swiped at the bird and it flew off into the wilderness.

"Now that we got that covered, let's go to the garage." Max said. "Right behind you." I told her. Max and I walked down the stairs. Once we got down, we both froze.

David was standing there.

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