Chapter 30: Reunited with Blackwell

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After a hot shower, I opened my dorm room and entered my room.

Holy shit, it feels like it's been so long since I've last been here.

I looked at my mirror and ran my fingers through my hair. I slipped on a new white t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and a grey hoodie. I slipped my feet into my DC Shoes branded high tops and grabbed my skateboard. Now with David out of the picture, maybe we can finally skate around Blackwell. That fucking asswipe better stay gone. I can thank Max for that.

We all can.

I left my dorm room and walked down the hall. Thankfully, not bumping into any Prescott's along the way. I walked down the stairs and entered the yard.

Justin looked over his shoulder and nodded toward me. "What's up, bro?" He asked as he walked toward me. "Haven't seen you since Kate. Where've you been?" He asked, hitting my shoulder. "Just, hanging out." I said to him. "With Max?" He said back.

"What?" I said to him.

"Don't play stupid. I know you're friends with Max." He shrugged. "It's cool though. At least she's not a poser. Chick knows what a tre flip is." I nodded. "Cool man." I added.

"Yohoho! Dude, I was jacked up last night, you have NO idea." He said. "When are you not jacked, man?" He smiled. "Word! When was the last time you smoked some?" He said. "It's been a while." I said to him. "Come by the Vortex Club parties then! People hit the shit all the time there!" Justin said. "We'll see, man." I told him.

Fuck the Vortex Club! Even if people get high there. Fuck it! Fuck it hard!

"Anyway, it's pretty scary what happened to Kate." He said. "She's in the hospital under suicide watch I hear."

"What do you think, man? Of course she is. She nearly jumped off the dorms here." I said, pointing to where she was standing. "Good thing Max was with her, man. I'd feel so weird standing where she landed." He said. "Well, she's alive. So that's cool." I said. He nodded. "Yeah. It all worked out. Sorta." He said with a shrug.

I grinned. "Really man? Nearly committing suicide, ending up in hospitals spells "worked out" for you?" I said. "Hey man, now that just makes me sound bad. Thanks." He said.

A quick arm wrapped around my neck. "Hey, skater boy." Chloe's voice spoke. "What's up, Chloe." I greeted.

"Justin, it's been so long since I've seen you!" Chloe said to him. "Cause you're way too cool for us now, Chloe." He said. "Way too much shit going on, man." Chloe told him. "Try going to Blackwell... Insane!" He said. "So I hear." Chloe replied.

"Any word at all on Rachel?" Justin asked. "Dude, I wish. I'm working on it." Chloe told him and bumped my shoulder with hers. "In fact, Daniel's a little helper of mine." She said. "So that's what you've been doing, huh?" Justin said to me. I shrugged. "Kinda?" I said to him.

"I miss her laugh...when I bail off my board..." Justin said. "She is probably high." Chloe said. Justin nodded. "Yeah, she had the sick nugs. I was just telling Daniel to come by the Vortex sometime to hit some up."

"Dude, have you ever been high in your life?" Chloe asked me.

"It's been a while, but yeah." I told her.

"Dude, you should totally come by the Vortex Club! All of us should raid the End of the World party tonight!" Justin said. "True dat." Chloe said. She then looked at Max nearby the doors. She looked at us and said, "Okay, I have to bounce." "Come hang with us at the park sometime." Justin said to her.

They clapped hands together and fist bumped. "Tag along, skater boy." Chloe said.


"Uh? Dude, go!" Justin said, pushing me toward Chloe.

"After all that, you think you can just lay back and let me and Max handle the dirty work?" Chloe said. "Well... I was hoping." I said.

Max smiled at me. "Hello again, Daniel."

"Hey Max." I said. "So, what's the deal?" I asked. Chloe explained to me that Max went around the yard asking everyone if Nathan was around Blackwell. "And coast is clear." Max said.

"It would be so cool if we all were going to school here together." Max said. Chloe grinned. "But now you can have Mr. Jefferson all to yourself..." She said. "What the hell did you just say?" I asked her. "Chloe thinks Mr. Jefferson's hot." Max said. "Cause he is! I wish I had a teacher like him before I was kicked out." Chloe said back. "You suck. Now let's get into Blackwell Ninja mode." Max said.

And here I was thinking I could take a break from all this. Guess not. Shit.

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