Chapter 46: Back Together

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Warren took the picture. Max glanced around the area like she just woke up from a nightmare.

"We got no time for this shit. Come on, Max." Chloe said. Max's eyes widen and she ran over to us. "Chloe! Daniel!" She wrapped her arms around us. Pulling us together. Chloe returned the hug while I just patted her back. Not big on hugging.

"Jesus, dude... what is up with you?" Chloe said. I brushed myself off. "Yeah, no hugging man." I told Max. "I'm just glad we're here together." Max told us. "I guess you need to talk. No worries... It's all good." The drunk Warren said and stumbled away. He almost seemed disappointed.

"I'm glad you're with us, too." Chloe said. "Yeah... it's all... cool." I said, rubbing my neck. "What's going on, Max? We have to find Nathan right now." Chloe told her and grabbed my arm, bringing me with her. "He's going to pay for what he did to Rachel... Let's go, now..."

"Chloe, Daniel, wait! Listen!" Max said behind us. "We can walk and listen, okay?" Chloe told her. Max grabbed Chloe and spun her around. "Stop and listen for once!" Max demanded. "You too, Daniel!" She said. I sighed and looked at Chloe. She glared at me. Then at Max. But said, "Fine, Max. I'm listening." She crossed her arms.

"You guys can't go in that party. You're gonna... you're gonna die if you do." Max told us. "You used your powers, right?" Chloe asked. "And you fucked around with time, and we died." She said. "Not like that..." Max told her.

"You're supposed to back us up. You're supposed to back me up." Chloe said. "So there's no way that punk-ass bitch Nathan Prescott is taking me down."

"You're right, he won't." Max said. "Oh yeah, and why's that?" I asked her. More harshly than I intended.

Shit. That tone definitely didn't come out right.

"Mark Jefferson killed you... and others." Max said slowly. "Jefferson, the art teacher?" Chloe asked. "Wait, Mr. Jefferson?" I questioned. "That's bullshit! Nathan is the fucking serial killer!" Chloe said. "Yeah, I'm not buying it, Max. Come on, Mr. Jefferson isn't a killer. He's a chillax teacher, dude." I said. "We saw the proof!" Chloe backed me up. "Now, excuse us, we're going to that party to make sure he never hurts anybody again. Are you coming?" Chloe said.

"Nathan is dead... and you're in danger." Max told us.

"What the fuck?" I questioned Max. "That fucker is already dead? How do you know that?" Chloe said. "Because... I was there." Max told us. "Will you please tell me exactly what happened? Please?" Chloe said. "Everything, Max." I said with a nod.

Tears started leaking from Max's eyes. "Guys... Jefferson drugged and kidnapped me." Max said. She wiped at her right eye. "I was tied up in his bunker. You have no idea what hell I went through to get back here... but I couldn't let you die. You brought me back here, and I can't lose you guys again. I won't!" Chloe sniffed. "Oh... Max. I'm... I'm so sorry..." She said. I nodded along.

Fuck. Now I feel like shit for snapping.

"I was the one who dragged you into all this shit... Nobody, especially you, should have to go through that..." Chloe paused. Then started with, "Now we have to stop Jefferson... with one bullet." Max shook her head. "No! Not this way!" She said. "Chloe, I... I can't keep fixing everything, if all I'm gonna do is just break it, over and over again. I know how this is gonna turn out and... I'm afraid I'm fucking up all these alternate realities."

"Wait... alternate realities?" Chloe said. "Alternate realities?" I repeated. "What do you mean, Max? What did you do?" Chloe asked.

Max lifted her shoulders. "I fucked up, Chloe. I wanted to make things right, but everything turned out wrong." She said. "Max, what the hell are you talking about?" Chloe asked.

"I was able to go back in time... to the last day William was alive. I stopped him from leaving, but... But you ended up in a car crash instead." Max said, her voice starting to shake.

"You saw my dad again?" Chloe questioned her.

"You... you were completely paralyzed. And you were in pain. You were slowly dying, and you... asked me to... end your life." Max said. Chloe and I listened to Max carefully. "And I did... for you. I didn't want you to suffer in any other timeline or reality... I couldn't bear the thought of you in any more pain..."

"God, Max..." Chloe said. "That must have been... That must have been awful for you..."

"Yeah, man. I can't imagine that." I said as I ran my fingers through my hair. That's some pretty fucked up shit.

"I'm so sorry I had to ask you that..." Chloe said. "It was worse for you. But I had no idea what would happen, and... as usual, I messed everything up, and... I never want to hurt you or Daniel, ever. You have to believe me." Max said.

"Of course I do." Chloe said. "Do you think I would even know how to handle that situation?" Chloe said. "Nobody would..." She added. "The important thing is that we're together again." Chloe said. I nodded in agreement. "You're right." Max said. "That's why you and Daniel should come with me so we can stay together... and stay alive."

"I hear you, Max... but do you think we should let Jefferson get away with torture and murder?" Chloe said.

Max shook her head. "Of course not! If we tell David, he'll believe us and he can actually stop him... right?" I threw my arms in the air. "Of course." I said. "I don't get it..." Chloe said. "Why do you trust him, after you totally reamed him the other day? He's not even at our house anymore."

"Chloe, David saved me from Jefferson... If he didn't track down the Dark Room... I'd be dead right now." Max told us. "Max... I had no clue... I should have been the one to save you, but... I'm so grateful David was there. So what's your plan?" Chloe asked.

"We tell him everything, including Victoria is in danger." Max said. "Okay. You've been through so much... I believe you, Max." Chloe said. "Daniel?" Max said to me. "Of course, dude. After all this? I believe you too." I assured her. "After all, I'm still your faithful companion." Chloe said.

"Yes, you are. So, listen..." Max started. "In a few minutes, I won't know any of this happened... nothing. We absolutely have to stay in your room and do nothing. Then we explain everything to David, and we finally let him do his job." Chloe and I nodded in union. "You'll have to tell me exactly what I did and said just now." Max told us. "Just explain that I traveled through time using the photo."

"Will you believe me?" Chloe asked her.

Max grabbed her hand and walked with her. "I'll always believe you, Chloe." I followed behind them. No way I'm staying here with Mr. Jefferson on the fucking loose.

(Chloe and Daniel aren't killed - Chloe, Max, and Daniel talk to David)
(David never fights with Mark - Mark is caught by David and a group of police officers)
(Max, Chloe, and Daniel face the storm together)

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