Chapter 8: Two Whales Diner

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The bus soon came by again. Max and I stepped onto the bus. The driver greeted us with a friendly nod. I followed her to a seat and sat down beside her. We wouldn't have to worry about awkward conversations since we both had earbuds in. I continued the game I was playing on the steps. Blackwell fell out of sight as we drove through Arcadia Bay. I glanced at Max.

Hmm... I wonder what got her to come to me at Blackwell? We only talked for several minutes yesterday and we're not really friends.

Whatever though. It's chill.

The bus started to slow down and eventually stopped in front of another bus stop. An old looking dude and a woman stood outside. I stood up and let Max pass me. She smiled at me as she passed. We stepped off the bus and onto the sidewalk in front of the old dude and the woman.

"Don't try to take it from me. It's mine." The man said.

The woman shrugged and said, "I wouldn't dream of it." "I'm going to be a millionaire." He said. "Hope nobody steals my lottery ticket."

The woman looked at us. "Do you know if the bus has come yet? The online schedule isn't working." She said. "We just got off the school bus, but I'm sure the regular bus is coming too." Max assured her. "Oh, that's a relief. I can't be late for this job interview." She said. "Can't believe I have to take a bus all the way to Newport just to find a second job." She said. "Are things that bad here?" Max asked her. "Where are things good? I can't even afford to live here." The woman said. "Well, good luck!" Max told her. "Thanks, I sure need it." The woman said to us.

"You're in a good mood." I told her. "I'm just a nice person." She said with a confident smile. I guess I could work on my nice level a bit. We finally entered the diner and the smell of morning breakfast filled my nose.

"Hey, it's Max Caulfield and Daniel Connors!" Justin's voice spoke. "What's up, Justin?" Max said to him. "Getting my coffee on before I cut class and destroy some rails." Justin said. "Yeah, I hear ya man." I told him. "Come hit some rails with us later, Daniel." He said to me. "Sure dude." Justin smiled. "Cool man." He said.

He looked at Max. "Shouldn't you be taking photos?" He asked. "I am always taking photos. I am a camera." Justin chuckled. "You crack me up, Maxster. Of course, I'm baked so I'll laugh at anything." "You should be studying, bad boy." Max told him.

"So where's all your homework, schoolgirl?" Justin said. "School. Speaking of buds, I saw your bro Trevor sneaking out of Dana's room." Max said. "Yo, what?!" I questioned, making Max laugh. Justin shrugged. "Trevor finally told me about him and Dana hooking up."

We knew they had something going on. But damn. They're fucking official now. The lucky son of a bitch.

"He got there first, so Dan and I snooze and we lose... See ya later, guys." Justin said. Max grabbed my arm and led me to the booth we were sitting at.

"Hey, thanks, for helping me out yesterday. I owe you and Warren big time." Max said as we sat down. I nodded. "No problems from me. Well, except for getting our asses beat." Max nodded at my bruise. "Looks like he got you good." She said. I shook my head. "Nah, it's not bad." I assured her. A woman suddenly walked up to our booth.

"And there she is—a lovely young woman. How are you doing, Max?" She said with a bright smile.

"Hi Joyce, it's nice to see you again." Max said. "And this must be your boyfriend. I'm Joyce Price." My cheeks started to burn. "We're not... uh... we..." I couldn't find the words. Max smiled at me and chuckled. "We're not together." She told Joyce. "Oh, I'm sorry. I just assumed—" Max smiled. "It's quite alright, Joyce." She said. "Yeah. No harm done." I added. "Where are you from Mr...?" Joyce asked. "Daniel Connors. And I'm from Chicago." I told her.

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