Chapter 41: San Francisco

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Max jolted awake. "Whoa!" She recognized her surroundings as a plane. She was on a plane to San Francisco.

Okay... You're okay, Max... You're safe... on a plane.

She watched as passengers walked up and down the aisles. Principal Wells was asleep in his seat beside her.

I hope I did everything right this time.

Max noticed a paper sitting in front of Principal Wells. She leaned forward so she could see the headline better.

[Local Teacher Arrested!]

Max nodded.

Good work, David.

Max's phone suddenly vibrated in her pocket. She reached for it and pulled it out and swiped her finger across the screen. There were a bunch of texts from Max's friends and family. But the most important ones to her were at the top of the notifications list. Texts from Chloe and Daniel.

C- HOLY SHIT U RULE MAX!!!!! i am so proud of my superstar. this is just the start of your career. sk8er boy says hi. don't worry. we won't kill each other

D- congrats for winning the everyday heroes contest dude. chloe's making me send this. you and her should totally hang with us at the park sometime. it'll be dope! PEACE!!!

"Chloe... Daniel... Oh, you're alive... Oh, you're alive." Max repeated. "I did it... I fixed everything. Wowser." Max put her phone away and leaned into her seat. She breathed in and let out a happy sigh. Everything was finally fixed. Max had her friends back. Mark and Nathan are arrested. And most importantly, she won the Everyday Heroes contest. Chloe was right. This was the start of Max's career.

Max looked out the window.

It's so weird to be in between realities. Everything is out of focus and in the distance.

She tapped on the screen in front of her.

We're almost in San Francisco... I'm so stressed but I'm so excited too...

Principal Wells suddenly woke up. "How did you sleep?" Max asked him. "Hope I wasn't snoring out loud, Max..." He said. Max smiled. "Just a bit." She told him. "It's been a tough week at Blackwell, so I hope you'll forgive me." Principal Wells said. "Between Mr. Jefferson and the Prescotts, things have been... hectic, to say the least."

"I totally get it, Principal Wells." Max told him.

"That's a smart way of telling me to stop whining." He said to her. "We are proud of you for representing Blackwell at the "Everyday Heroes" contest. I know I'm not exactly the guide you wanted in San Francisco. But we all want you to have a great experience here." Max smiled enthusiastically. "I already am, and we're not even there." Max looked out the window again. Still having trouble processing this whole thing.

She felt something running down her nose. She pressed her fingers to her nostrils and looked.

Fresh blood oozed onto her fingers.

Christ! Another nosebleed? Max... you're not just screwing around with time...

(Max in the Dark Room never happens - Max and Principal Wells leave the airport and enter a cab)

Max appeared inside a building. It was a gallery. Pieces of art that belong to other artists hung on the walls. Max was amazed just as to how big this place was and how fancy it looked. She smiled to herself and walked over to Principal Wells.

"San Francisco is so cool... and this gallery is huge." She said, failing to contain her excitement.

"So is the buffet. If an event skimps on food, you know it's a bad event." Principal Wells said. "As long as I don't have to eat any caviar..." Max told him. "This is your day, Max." He said. "You can do whatever you want. I hope you take advantage of your status and talk to as many influential people here as possible. Work the room."

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