Chapter 21: The Madsen Confrontation

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Max returned from the garage and approached us. She was just about to tell us what she saw until,

"Nice breakfast." A heavy voice said.

Oh shit. David's back.

"David, you're back already?" Joyce questioned him. "That's what happens when you lose your job as head of Blackwell security." Joyce crossed her arms. "What happened?" She said. "What you would expect to happen in this P.C. college bullshit age—" David said. "the Principal takes the words of lying stoned students over a veteran and law professional." He said. "Ugh, again? This isn't the first time you've gotten in trouble there..." Joyce told him. "Well, now it's the last time. I'll get a lawyer to sue their ass." He said.

David turned his attention to Max. He then looked at me. He placed his hands on the table and looked at Max.

"Figures you'd be here. Is that your Rachel Amber Halloween costume?" He said. "You know more about her than me!" Max said to him. "No, you and Chloe think you know more than anybody. Like all teenagers." He looked at me. "Sure. Go ahead! Just bring this low life skater into our home, Chloe!" David said.

Chloe and I both stood up. I was just about to tell him off when Joyce said, "Leave the kids alone, David. I can't believe you got fired—no, of course I can believe you got fired." She said. "Did you threaten some poor student with stockade?"

"He threatens them with surveillance cameras. So he can spy on everybody..." Chloe told her mother. "Like he spies on all of us here."

David walked up to her. "Don't start, Chloe. Not now." He told her. "Yeah, I'm just always starting shit, right? You're a total paranoid, David." He raised his hand. Like he was seconds away from slapping Chloe. "Not. Now. Chloe." He repeated. "You used to call me a loser for getting kicked out of Blackwell..." Chloe said. "So who's the loser now, David? Who haven't you accused or harassed?" She continued with, "Between your investigations into Rachel and Kate, what have you done besides get in trouble?"

"You're a bully, David." Max started.

"I saw you harass Kate Marsh when she was going through hell. You could have totally helped her." Max told him. "Everybody at Blackwell is a suspect to you, except for Nathan Prescott... That's why the students and faculty don't like you. You even threatened me. And Daniel with the 'no skating policy'."

"Thank you, Max! About time someone said something about that stupid ass "policy"." I said.

"I do respect your service, but you don't respect anybody." Max told him. "Uh... you were smoking pot in Chloe's room. That's illegal." David told Max. "So is spying on people in your family and at your work." Max countered.

"Why do you have photos of Kate Marsh and Rachel Amber in your files anyway?" Max questioned him.

Wait, what the fuck is she talking about?

"What? Is this true, Max?" Joyce questioned. She turned to David and said, "Yes, David, why do you have these files at all? I find this very disturbing."

No fucking shit!

"I do not have to take this kind of interrogation. Not from you punks!" David said. "Maybe you should calm down..." Joyce told him. "Oh, you're turning on me now? Of course, women always stick together. Well, screw you!" David said to Joyce.

"David... you better go to a hotel until we figure this out..." Joyce told him. "You can't kick me out of my own home!" David said. "It's my home, David. Paid for and in my name. You know the law, right?" Joyce said back. "I thought I knew a lot of things... like when I'm outflanked." David said and walked to the back door. Chloe grinned.

"Have a nice day." She told him.

"Chloe, for once... just please shut up." Joyce told her.

David looked at me. "Watch your back, Connors. They'll turn on you in a heartbeat." He said. I raised my arms. "I'm not some perverted pedophile like you, bro." I told him. "Excuse me?!" David said loudly. Turning to me. "Don't you lay a finger on him, David!" Joyce said.

I clenched my fists and stood my ground. I wanted to make sure David knew I wasn't afraid of him. David turned back to the door and crossed his arms.

"Holy shit, that was hella badass, skater boy!" Chloe said. She turned to Max. "Max, that gave me chills. And you better not rewind this one!" She said. "Let's go." Chloe told us. As we got to the door, Chloe slid my skateboard over to me with her foot. I stepped on the nose, sending it into my hand.

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