Chapter 47: The Storm Strikes

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I held my skateboard in my hand as Chloe and I watched as the tornado inched closer to Arcadia Bay.

A sudden voice spoke behind us. "Oh, Chloe!" Max said as she wrapped her arms around her.

"Daniel!" Max said and hugged me next.

Chloe smiled at her. "I see that the real Max is back... So, how was your time trip, dude?" She said. "Shut up. Oh, you're alive! You're alive, oh... All of us!" A happy Max said. "I did so much to bring you guys back... and it worked. It actually worked." Max said, looking between Chloe and I.

"You're with me again."

Chloe brought Max into her arms and hugged her tightly. I just stood there behind them. "It looks like even fate doesn't want us apart." Chloe said. "And... you've traveled through multiple realities just to... save my ungrateful ass over and over." Chloe closed her eyes and reopen them.

"I hope it was worth it, but..." Chloe broke the hug. "I don't blame you for wanting me out of your life, after all my drama." She said. "Come on. I'm the official Drama King and Queen of Arcadia Bay this week." Max said. "Just look at what my powers have caused in... just a short time. I mean... I'm nobody."

"You're Max-fucking-Caulfield, Time Warrior. Even if you weren't, you're kind and caring. Nobody could have a better best friend... Nobody. You didn't ask for any of this to happen, but it did. You need to accept how awesome you are." Chloe told her. Max looked over at me. I agreed with Chloe and nodded.

Max said, "Maybe I willed it subconsciously, or something. I always wanted my life to be special... an adventure... but not without you. And it didn't happen until I moved back here, so... without you, my powers wouldn't even exist."

"Then for whatever scientific, mystical reason, that we'll obviously never figure out... We were meant to be together in this exact moment in history." Chloe told Max. "I have to think that Rachel was somewhere behind the scenes, fighting for justice..." Max nodded. "I'd like to think that, too... We all owe Rachel Amber." She said.

Goddamn right we do.

"Now tell me everything that happened. You... You remember, right?" Max asked us. "Well, we... we left the party and made sure Jefferson couldn't find us." Chloe started. "For once, I was glad I lived in an actual fortress." She added. "Then the storm got hella crazy and... and you said we would be safe at the lighthouse." Chloe said.

"Guys, look! The storm is getting bigger now. It's coming closer." Max said to us. "I... I can't even believe this is real, but it is happening because of me."

"Stop it!" Chloe told her. "Stop beating yourself up, okay? We've both paid our dues already on that." Chloe looked out at the tornado.

"Oh, God, look at that! Look at that monster!" Monster was definitely the right word to describe that... well... monster! Seriously, this is the first time I've ever seen a tornado, but I know they don't get this big!

"Who knows... This could be Rachel's revenge... Our revenge." Chloe said. Chloe pointed toward the lighthouse. "The lighthouse is out of the way of the tornado. Come on!" She said and started running toward it. I followed behind her until I noticed Max was following us. I stopped and turned toward her.

"Yo, Max! What's up?" I asked her. Drawing Chloe's attention.

"Oh... What... Guys..." Max said slowly. Max held her hand against her head. She fell forward into Chloe's arms. "I've got your back, Max." Chloe said. She looked up at me. "Daniel. Help me." She said and wrapped Max's arm around her neck. I grabbed Max's other arm and we lifted her from the ground. We walked down the path toward the lighthouse. This sure as hell won't be an easy task.

The wind picked up as the storm drew closer to Arcadia Bay. Rain slammed into our faces. "Keep going, Daniel!" Chloe said. "I'm trying, man!" I said back.

The rain was creating small puddles on the path. Thunder cackled above us as the storm inched even closer. Arcadia Bay wasn't going to make it through the storm. Everything would be destroyed. And all the countless lives that will be lost were unthinkable.

We made it half way to the lighthouse. "Oh shit! Watch out, Chloe!" I shouted as a tree tumbled down from its roots. We wrapped our arms around Max and dived out of the way. The tree just missing us by inches. "Fucking hell! That would've been hella bad!" Chloe said. "Yeah, no shit!" I told her.

We picked up Max and continued our slow pace to the lighthouse that was just up the hill. But with the wind and rain, it made us move a lot more slowly then we wanted. And the unconscious Max we were supporting made us even slower.

We were finally nearing the lighthouse. Max groaned as we stepped up the hill. "Come on Max, we're almost there!" Chloe assured her.

"Uhhh... guys?" Max questioned softly. "Don't worry... we'll be okay." Chloe told her. Thunder roared as we fell down. Max had finally woken up.

But the tornado was now near Arcadia Bay. There won't be anything left in the morning.

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