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All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the Author. This book "Our Story" was written and belongs to the Author DEELAH IDRIS and only the author has the legal rights to reproduce, sell , publish or distribute this book, any form of piracy will be severely dealt with.



"Oh my God did you see what Angel is wearing? That's not even on sale yet, damn! I adore her"

One of the students of High Ville said to her friend. They were standing at the corner close to Angel's locker staring at her, wishing they were her, wishing they were living her life.

Perfect and beautiful! Everyone was admiring her. The girls with fashion style knows what she is wearing. A new mini gown that's not even on sale yet.

That is original.

Of course she could get anything she wanted. Her dad is a billionaire, he has everything. He's a known businessman, his company is at the top of others.

Her mom is also a billionaire, she is the owner of a very huge agency. Angel is the only child. They give her everything she wants and need. She gets away with anything she does, she is Daddy's and Mommy's spoilt brat.

An average height 5'5ft, her body is perfectly fine, with her perfect hourglass body, brown hair and white skin, ice blue eyes, pink and small lips, with a beautiful smile.

She is Angel McCurdy.



"Good morning dad, good morning mom"

Angel said to her parents. Placing a kiss on their forehead. She was set for school and only needed to have her breakfast. She walked to the fridge to grab some milk.

"Good morning My Angel" her dad replied to her. Setting his fork to eat. Her mom was on the phone with one of her clients. She just smiled at her.

"Honey your mom and I will be traveling soon, I assume you already know that we can't leave you on your own, you might do something nasty and we don't want that" Her Dad said to her, placing some of the food inside his mouth.

"Whatever dad, who am I gonna stay with then?"

Angel asked, annoyed by what her dad said.

"We don't know yet dear. But you should be prepared" he said, raising his eyebrows.

"Sweetheart I hope you slept well?" Her mom finally said, placing the phone on the table as she set to eat.

Angel just nodded and smiled. Shortly she was done eating, she stood up and said goodbye to her parents. And was off to school.

She got into her blue and black Bugatti Chiron, she calls it "Chir" her baby. She doesn't let anyone drive it because she doesn't want anyone staining it or even touching it, it's that precious to her.

On her way, she was listening to "Taylor Swift's- Blank Space". Singing and moving her body to it. Immediately she got to the parking lot, all eyes were on her, she was the queen of High Ville, the Angel of the hell. She got out and immediately spotted her goons, her group of Barbies. They walked to her and she hugged them, they giggled over little things and walked in sync. The only people she calls her friends.

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