Meet Thomas

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Your pov
I arrived in New York from Jersey, I was eager to see James again. He had been like a brother to me since age ten. I written a letter to James explaining I needed to get away from all the duels and fights that happened. He replied saying he would be happy to have me. I walked up to the front door in my F/C dress. He opened it and embraced me, I accepted the hug smiling. "Welcome Y/N, come on in!" He said talking my hand leading me into his house. "So wait, you live here alone?" I inquired a little surprised. "Actually yes, but don't worry I won't let you be alone. Speaking of which I want you to meet someone, he should be here in a few minutes." "Oh well, if he's having dinner with us I can cook." He chuckled and shook his head. "You are to kind Y/N but please you just got here, relax a bit for me will you." I raised an eyebrow. "Who ever gets to the kitchen first ready set go!" I said quickly as I ran past him. Lucky me I found the kitchen before James could catch up. "Ha! Now what should I make?" James chuckled. "I swear you are as mature as you were when we were ten, anyway I suggest macaroni and cheese." I smile and begin to cook.


As I was setting the table I heard a knock on the door. I knew James was working in his study so I answered it. When I opened the door I saw thee Thomas Jefferson in front of me, I stood there in shock for a minute before I snapped out of my daze. "O-oh, good evening Mr.Jefferson. How can I help you?" I said shyly, he smiled sweetly. "Ahh, you must be the girl James told me about. I must say he did not tell me you were such a beautiful young lady." I blushed and held the door for him. "One moment Mr.Jefferson, I shall get James." He smiled. "Please, call me Thomas." I nodded. "And what might your name be?" "Y/N L/N, I will be back in a moment."

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