Growing up

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Thomas pov
Charles grew into a rambunctious and smart young boy. Though he was hard to contain at times, he did have an interest in literature and mathematics. Instead of sending him to boarding school Y/N and I hired a tutor for him. He was a young man by the name of Samuel Cunningham. Of course Charlie learned quickly, Y/N was ever so proud to see her child growing up.

I entered Charles's room to find him reading a book. I saw the look of joy in his eyes as he read through the pages. "Charlie, come downstairs please. It's time for supper." I said with a smile. He put a book mark on the page he was reading and set it on his bed. "Coming father!" He walked with me downstairs, Y/N had finished setting the table. "Well it's nice to see you finally took a break from reading Charlie." Y/N said in a joking fashion. I sat down next to her as we began to eat our food. "So Charles, in a couple of years you will be off to college?" I asked. He nodded happily. "Yes father, I'm awfully excited. What college do you recommend?" I chuckled a bit at his interest in school. "I recommend that you find one that fits your needs." I replied, then I noticed my wife. She had a pained look in her eyes. I knew this was a bit of a rough for her subject after all. I meet eyes with her, she looked as if she would start crying any minute. But then she put her head up and smiled. "Well, I don't care what college you go to as long as you pick a career that makes you happy. I'm already proud of you son." "Thanks Mother, I am glad I could make you proud." After Charles went to bed I went to find Y/N, as always she was washing the dishes. "Darlin? Are you alright?" I only heard light sobbing as a reply. "F-forgive me Thomas, I am being ridiculous." She finally said. I wrapped my arms around her as she put the last dish on the counter. "I know, I'll miss him too. But it's not forever. And besides, he's a smart boy. He'll be fine." She smiled and turned around. "Thank you Thomas." She gave me a peck on the cheek and headed into the living room to read.

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