Cabinet battle

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Your pov     Two weeks later

At around noon I got a knock on the door, I put down the book I was reading and got up to answer it. I opened the door to find Thomas, wearing his usual magenta suit. I smiled and held the door to let him in, he nodded and walked through the door. "Thomas what a pleasent surprise! Is there any thing you need?" I ask. "Actually Y/N, I was wondering if you would attend todays cabinet meeting?" He asked with a smile. I gasped at the sudden notion, then began to think. "Come on, it will be fun. Besides James will be there, and you would get to meet the president." My eyes widened and I ran upstairs to get ready. I put on the nicest dress I had, as soon as I was done I rushed down stairs. I left Thomas giggling to himself. I took his hand and we got into the carriage. When we arrived at the building, I saw James with someone else waiting for us. Thomas helped me out of the carriage as James walked over. "I knew he would get you to come." Said James excitedly. I rolled my eyes at James and turned my attention to the man with him. "Oh! Right, Y/N this is Aaron Burr. Aaron this is my dear friend, Y/N L/N." Said James. I curtsied to the man called Aaron. "Pleased to meet you Mr. Burr." I said timidly. "Please Ms. L/N, the pleasure's all mine." He took my hand in his and kissed it gently, I noticed Thomas getting a little jealous. Thomas suddenly linked arms with me and walked me inside, I giggled a bit at this and followed his lead. As we walked inside we were greeted by none other than president George Washington himself. "Ahh Thomas, I was wondering when you would get here. Who is this lovely lady you have with you?" He inquiered, I blushed a little as Thomas smiled and put his arm around me. "This is Y/N L/N. She will be joining us today." I smiled and curtsied once again. "It's an honor to meet you sir." He chuckled. "Like wise, finally good to meet the one Thomas always writes to in his spare time." I saw Thomas turn beet red. "Well come on in, we can finally get started."

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