A Winter's ball

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Thomas pov

I yet Y/N pick out a dress despite her protest.(see pic above) We eventually came to an agreement, I could buy the dress but she had to buy dinner next time we went. Before we arrived at the ball I saw her looking a little nervous. "Y/N sweetheart, are alright?" I asked a little concerned. "Huh? Oh, um yes just." She trailed off looking out the window. I smiled at her timidness, I took her hands in mine. "Hey, everything's gonna be alright. If you happen to fall I'll be there to catch you, if someone advances on you I'll be there to help. I will make sure you have fun, so stop being so nervous." I said, the carriage soon came to a stop. I held her hand as we walked into the building.

Your pov

It was astounding. The lights, the music, everything about it left me in awe. I guess Thomas noticed because I saw him chuckling to himself. "First time at a ball?" He inquired leading me to the dance floor. "Yes actually, surprised?" "Not a bit." As we danced I got lost in his eyes, they were like a galaxy and I was floating through the stars. It was only until I spotted Peggy and her sisters did I snap out of my daze. "Y/N! I didn't expect to see you here, you look gorgeous!" She exclaimed. "Thanks Peg, are these your sisters?" I asked gesturing to the two girls beside her. "Oh yes, this is Angelica and Eliza. Sisters, this is Y/N L/N." I smiled and they seemed happy to meet me. Then I saw Peggy grab Thomas's collar of his shirt. "Listen and listen good, Y/N is my best friend. Hell she is practically family, you hurt her the last thing you will see is my sisters and I throwing you down a well. Are we clear?" She said calmly. Thomas looked terrified. "Y-yes we are so very very clear." I replied his voice shaking in fear. "We better be." The night was absolutely perfect. I danced with Thomas, hung out with the Schuyler sisters, but the end of the night was the best. We went to Thomas's garden, I laid my head on his shoulder. We just sat there in silence, sadly the moment ended when I had to go home. I knew that some day, he would get down on one knee and propose.

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