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your pov

After the meeting I sat down on a bench waiting for Thomas. Then I saw him fighting with Alexander, it looked like it was about to get physical. I ran over to stop it before it got out of hand. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD FORGET ABOUT LAFAYETTE!" Yelled Thomas. "WHAT, LIKE YOU FORGET ABOUT THE POOR GIRL YOU DRAGGED INTO THIS." Screamed Alex. Thomas was furious. "Listen and listen good Hamilton, Y/N is the love of my life. So don't you dare start talking about her like she is just some girl I have courted in the past." He spoke calmly, it was almost indimidating. Alexander only smirked. "Oh so the whore's got a name now, funny you can even remember it." This was my limit, I pushed Thomas out of the way and slapped Alexander so hard he fell to the floor. "I am not just some girl, any sensible girl wouldn't have slapped you Alexander Hamilton. And if Thomas was going to break my heart, then he would regret it. Good day Alexander, come along Thomas." Both men looked at me, their eyes wide. Thomas followed me out the door before the president stopped me. "Thank you again Mr.Washington, I do appreciate the opportunity to attend a cabinet meeting." I said calmly. He smiled and patted my shoulder. "It was a pleasure to meet you, do come again when you get the chance." I smiled. "Of course sir. Good bye Mr. Washington." I got in the carriage, but Thomas was still in shock. "I can't believe you slapped him, that was incredible!" he exclaimed beaming. I giggled a bit and laid my head on his shoulder. "I had to teach him a lesson." I said smiling as he stroked my hair. He dropped me off at James's house and said he would write soon.

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