Best wishes and Forgiveness

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About three months after Thomas proposed, James walked me down the aisle. I wore the most exquisite white dress, and for once Thomas didn't wear magenta. Despite James's protest I let Eliza bring Alex, she promised to keep him on his best behavior. Thomas invited the President himself and he gladly accepted. The rest of the Schuyler sisters came, as well as Thomas's dear friend Lafayette whom I had been dying to meet. After the ceremony and vows were said and done, we got on with the celebration. I was talking with Peggy when Eliza dragged a regretful Alexander over to us, she stood him in front of us before walking away. "I am so sorry for insulting you Y/N, I congratulate you on your marriage. I know I don't deserve it, but can I ask for your forgiveness?" He asked sincerely, clearly disappointed in himself. I smiled and put my hand out for him to shake. He looked at me in surprise before taking it. "Thank you Alex, how about we put this in the past and start over?" I ask, a smile grew on his face. "Of course, thank you. Well I will let you get back to your celebration." He left to talk to Lafayette. When the reception was over I got into a carriage with Thomas as everyone said goodbye. I smiled as I waved out the window at the sisters. But the thing is, we didn't go home. The carriage took us to the docks, Lafayette was staying with Eliza and Alex so I knew we weren't saying goodbye to him. "Thomas, what are we doing here?" I asked as we got out of the carriage. Thomas got our suit cases, I then realized we were going out of the country for our honeymoon. "We are going to France darlin."

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