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Thomas pov (He is president)
I had come home to see my wife reading a book. I set my things down, she looked up and smiled at me. "Good evening my love, how was work?" She asked setting her book down. "Hard and long, I'm glad I'm home. How was your day little lamb?" She giggled and put her arms around my neck, I put mine around her waist. "Productive, I read at least half of the books on that shelf." She said with grin, then her eyes widened like she remembered something. "Um dear, can we make some tea and talk?" She asked nervously. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Of course darlin." A few moments later I was sat next to her on the couch. "So I was wondering, have you ever thought about having children?" She inquired, my eyes widened and I turned red. "Uh w-well yes, I-I just assumed you didn't care for the idea." I said turning to her. "Would you consider having any?" She asked. I smiled wide and kissed her, setting our tea down she kissed back. I pulled away first. "Definitely.~" I whispered seductively. I heard her giggled nervously.

2 months later

The doctor had confirmed Y/N was pregnant a few days ago. I was filled with pride. I hoped for a daughter, while Y/N preferred/agreed with a/a (Girl or Boy). I treated her like royalty and since I was the president I let her sit in my office and read. She was very happy too, but she felt guilty I was putting most of my focus on her instead of my duties as President. But now it's only a matter of time till our child is born.

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