Baby Girls

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your pov
Peggy and Hercules visited often. I only had 1 month left so Peggy was a big help. I also had Charles who helped around the house. Thomas made sure to come home as often as possible. As I was in the kitchen getting some water, I heard a knock on the door. I smiled and opened it, James stood there with a smile. "Hey Y/N, Thomas sent me to check on you." He said as I sat on the couch and rolled my eyes. "Dear lord, he needs to control that worried mind of his." I retorted and grabbed my water. "Well you can't blame him, you are very close to your due date." He says picking up a book from the shelf. I smiled and we talked for a bit. I stood up to go to the bathroom, but suddenly collapsed. I felt my dress become wet, but then I heard the door open. "Hey Y/N, James, I got off work to-Oh god! Y/N ARE YOU OK? JAMES GET A DOCTOR AND THE SERVANTS!" I instantly felt a feeling of dread, I was a month early. I was carried up to the bedroom and after what seemed like days. I gave birth to three baby girls. Thomas and James came back in the bedroom, both in tears. "T-triplets?" Asked Thomas walking over to me. I nodded and handed him one of our little girls. "I have the perfect names, Tacie, Elizabeth but Lizzie for short, and Annika." I said with a proud smile. "They are beautiful, I'm such a proud Uncle!" Stated James shedding a few more tears. I cried a little too, my three baby girls asleep in their cradles.

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