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I wandered into the living room after hearing a crash. My husband Lucius, was on the floor drunk off his ass. "Sweetie, I think you should go to bed. It's late." I replied a little nervous knowing how he gets when he's drunk."Don't tell me what to do woman." He half shouted as he got up off the floor, a knife clutched in his right hand. I backed up slowly, but tripped one of his notorious beer bottles. He smiled menacingly, by the end of the night I was lucky I hadn't bleed out. There were deep cuts on my arms and legs. But the worst part, I had to take the knife out of my leg. I was cleaned up by a neighbor and given enough money to move to Jersey.

End of flashback

After the memories came back I realized I was crying. I quickly took my napkin and dried my eyes as both gentlemen stare at me with sad eyes. "Y/N, are you alright?" Asked James. I smiled with puffy eyes. "Y-yes of course, I am sorry gentlemen. May I take your plates?" I took the dishes to the sink to wash, I let the tears flow. "Y/N?" I turned to see Thomas looking at me, I tried to hide my pitiful face. I heard his foot steps stop behind me, I turned around again but this time he embraced me. "Now, I assume you were beaten by your currently ex husband?" I looked him in the eyes. "Not just beaten, he attempted to murder me. But he passed out before he could." He ran his fingers through my hair as I cried into his magenta jacket. He let out a sigh before pulling me away from the sink. "You talk, I clean. I can see you need a break." I smiled and told him my hobbies as he told jokes. I caught James raising his eyebrows at me. Sadly Thomas had to leave, he kissed my forehead before entering his carraige. I hoped to see him again.

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